Tamsin, Alchemical Girl De-Luxe™

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Tamsin, Alchemical Girl De-Luxe™


A tired, white, cranky, GenX, sapphic, nonbinary trans girl.

(That's "she/her" to you, friend.)

Folk horror mind, romcom heart, postmodern dystopian world.

Mostly pretty happy, regardless. 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈

I just referred to Tumblr as “Shibboleth: The Website,” and I feel like I need to log off now, because nothing else I write this week will even come close to being that good.
The next person to tell me I was “socialized as a male” is going to win a free Storytime With Tamsin. They probably won’t enjoy it.
Male Socialisation for me was being bullied heavily every single day, under the moniker Gayboy, from age 5 to age 18. Male socialisation for me was being told I'll never be a man. Being shunned from playing with the boys. Being told I throw like a girl. Play like a girl. look like a girl.
Having seen someone justify the literal theft of my book as “a tax on the golden elite”—yes, seriously—I will emphatically co-sign this statement.
But if your hardline position is that not paying authors for their labor is a great way to end capitalism, you do not understand what capitalism is.
Trans girls out here excommunicating each other from the True Leftist Faith™ like it's the Protestant Reformation all over again, and meanwhile I'm just revelling in the fact that I haven't been cancelled* for liking prog rock. *yet.
most people who are not trans women don’t seem to know how terrifyingly isolating it can be to be a trans woman. it’s v possible to have nobody in your corner. at all. no family. no friends. no community. nobody to offer you a kind word or share a meal with you.
My wife, discussing an alternate timeline where she never left the town we both grew up in: "I mean, I'm sure there are worse things, but how many?" 🤣
A friend offered to take me shopping for a prom dress, but autocorrect changed it to "problem dress," and I've decided that I now need a problem dress: a dress for being a problem in. A difficulty. A complication. Just an absolute situation.
i summed up project 2025 in one sentence. feel free to use. www.thehandbasket.co/p/trump-wind...
Even our overpowered air conditioning isn't quite fending off the muggy grossness outside. I've now stripped down from "summer outfit" to "barely clothed" and am applying gin, tonic, and ice to bring my core temperature down to acceptable levels. 🥵
Never thought I'd be taking my whole "alchemical girl" sobriquet quite so literally, but here we are. 😬
Seeing people I'd expected better from giving casually nasty transphobia a pass is depressing.
As much as this sucks, it did push me to make a different pair of shoes wearable. A trip to Michael's and some judicious cobbling later, my NPS Solovair Mary Janes can finally be buckled onto my feet. The issue isn't that my feet are disproportionate for my height. It's just that I'm six feet tall.
Guess who has two thumbs, a pair of unwearable shoes, and a trip to the Fluevog store in Boston scheduled for Monday morning? 🤷‍♀️
they want is to solve the problem of universals, the metaphysics of gender, mind-body dualism, and various questions of human subjectivity, but all i want to do is wear a cute jumpsuit without getting murdered.
So, this all seems utterly batshit. 😬
Some of Project 2025's proposals are insane. I suspect that many Americans are not aware of what a MAGA-led America would mean for them.
TMW the shoes you ordered a couple of weeks ago arrive and are even cuter in person than online... ...and are approximately half a size too small for your feet in all directions. 😓
Over at the Bad Place, I made a tradition of posting Douglass' "What, To The Slave, Is The Fourth of July," and I intend to carry on that tradition here. Since most versions you read in classes or in textbooks have parts omitted, the link below has the full text of the speech.
(1852) Frederick Douglass, "What, To The Slave, Is The Fourth Of July" •www.blackpast.org On July 5, 1852, Frederick Douglass was invited to address the citizens of his hometown, Rochester, New York. Whatever the expectations of his audience on that 76th anniversary of the signing of the D...
Today my feelings taste like frosted circus animal cookies, and I refuse to feel bad about that.
Vote blue, ask the kaiju, burn incense, dance with a goat, I don't care. Whatever fucking works, y'know?
Look, I'm willing to try anything at this point.
I am reading Hannah Arendt right now and she makes this point. Over and over. With a freakin hammer. There are a LOT OF PEOPLE in the world very eager to pick a group and blame it for their problems, esp when they don't have a strong grasp of where those problems really come from.
Everyone is always afraid to say why people like Trump or Marie Le Pen have some level of popularity and it’s just that there’s a lot of people in the world who believe in racism. You end up with these goofy ass explanations for Trump where it’s NAFTA or shit and it’s like no you know what it is
Chocolate protein shake coffee and lemon-pepper toast achieved. Now, shower and cuteification so I can face the outside world: IKEA for temple curtains, Costco for staple goods. (Pray for me.) Therapy later, followed by blacksmithing class. It's a weird life, and I wouldn't want it any other way.
and even if someone thinks "well I don't like/look at porn so why should it be a priority for me?" it's important to remember that when christofascists say "porn" they also mean age-appropriate comprehensive sex education, media with queer/trans people in it, and picture books about gay penguins.
I know smut may seem like a frivolous thing to be upset about, but crushing it is part of fascism. Controlling all forms of sexual expression is fascism. Only allowing certain kinds is fascism. Smut peddlers are always canaries in the coal mines.
I have no range. I am this and only this, day after day, night after night, an endless continuity of identity and persona, watching as the sun slowly dies out and the planet grows cold. Only I remain, ever unchanging, as still and silent as the grave. Boring, right?
The Anti-Trans Braintrust still has no evidence that kids are getting gender-affirming care without assessment so every week they gin up some bizarre procedural complaint. www.economist.com/united-state...
Research into trans medicine has been manipulatedwww.economist.com Court documents offer a window into how this happens
I’m scared. But I’m not giving up. That’s what I’ve got right now.