
It's been over a year since that awful "What if Wes Anderson Made Star Wars" AI nonsense came out and I feel like we've been through several dozen cycles of: AI Bro: "Look at what we did with AI. It keeps getting better." People Who Watch Movies & TV: "This still looks like shit, dude."
The thing is with AI guys that they don't understand about art is that they're going to get criticized for how bad their "art" is and it's just going to be yet another faction on the internet that refuses to believe plenty of people feel the things they "make" and like fucking suck ass.
we're like two years into this and has there been a single piece of AI-created art of text that anyone finds memorable or of value, even as like, a meme?
The "Shid Pant Let's Brandon" one had a certain stochastic truth to it