
It's been over a year since that awful "What if Wes Anderson Made Star Wars" AI nonsense came out and I feel like we've been through several dozen cycles of: AI Bro: "Look at what we did with AI. It keeps getting better." People Who Watch Movies & TV: "This still looks like shit, dude."
The thing is with AI guys that they don't understand about art is that they're going to get criticized for how bad their "art" is and it's just going to be yet another faction on the internet that refuses to believe plenty of people feel the things they "make" and like fucking suck ass.
we're like two years into this and has there been a single piece of AI-created art of text that anyone finds memorable or of value, even as like, a meme?
the closest thing i can think of is the "enlightened brandon" meme but the fact that it looks so stupid and fucked up is part of why its funny
low key this looks like one of those soviet murals you'd see in some kind of municipal building
like some weird mix of western and eastern mural art
But not in Moscow. In a 10k-person town in the middle of Siberia.
And I've never even heard of this one until now. I did see someone use AI to animate the distracted boyfriend meme, thus making it useless as a meme. Also, the woman he was distracted by looked more like a teenager when in motion which made it creepy on top of it.
It got confused on the legs too and the distracted boyfriend's lower torso moves in a fashion that completely contradicts the top half. but he thinks it's awesome 🤣
i had some success with early free dall-e mini with getting it to make an image of yoda eating a taco while sitting on a toilet in the style of a picasso painting but i'm not sure that's immortal
a lot of theophite’s stuff is pretty memorable, but he’s sort of the exception proving the rule
That’s also like wildly artisanal
It’s kind of like the AI equivalent of making homemade toaster pastries
Automation always unleashes the lazy to spew garbage while the rate of artistry remains flat. Like the printing press, or blogs, or podcasts. Most skeets are bad. It’s not the technology.
The only one I think is memorable is the Pope in the white puffer jacket, but that was because it was right at the beginning when we hadn't seen loads of it. More memorable as an early image to go viral rather than on it's own merits
There’s a thread on here of a guy who kept prompting one of the robots to make a picture ‘more professor’ until it created some kind of galactic wizard that was funny
Some early generations of AI art were fantastic because of how terrible they were. Uncanny valley on the level of OG surrealism but without the intent. But it became less good as they corrected it into anime with 8 fingers
I have a cat who brings me a big blue octopus stuffie every day, & a couple Redditors had fun plugging "black and white cat blue octopus" into a few different engines back then.
besides Theophite's stuff and the other examples people have posted, on a personal level I am fond of this
feared I had killed my tabs beyond the reach of "Restore Previous Session" but they're back!
this stuff is fun to play around with and it can produce interestingly janky stuff if you lean into the jank, but the boosters are *aiming* to train it into bland airbrushed pablum where the only interesting thing is that it messes up the teeth
I REALLY don’t want to argue for anything even resembling support for these things, but… I’d say shrimp Jesus has some meme life. I’ve at least seen it brought up without explanation and seen people understand
The "Shid Pant Let's Brandon" one had a certain stochastic truth to it
The crudeness of early VQGAN did produce some startling results that could probably never be reproduced with modern AI. I loved this "charcoal crows flying out of a black hole" and "bernie wrightson other dimensional horror"
I find this pretty memorable and meme-worthy but for all the wrong reasons
The pope in the big jacket
No, but those ridiculous nft apes did inspire this masterpiece
TikTok - Make Your
The extended ai pic of the Nathan fielder “All my friends are here just out of frame laughing too” post was pretty funny, mainly for the concept. The Krungus (I think it was called) also too. Neither of them good in and of themselves.
Not per se, but over the weekend I saw a guy present a really powerful piece that, according to him, only existed because AI art programs let him fill in certain images and soundbites that he had been missing before. But the AI parts were not the focus of the piece, and imo weren't memorable