eileen chengyin chow

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eileen chengyin chow


Talking like touching. Writing like punching somebody. -Sontag. This is somewhere in between. 

@chowleen on Twitter et alia. duke u prof + APSI Dir of Graduate Studies, Duke Story Lab director. shewoinstitute 舍我紀念館 director.
周成蔭 #everynightapoem
I say it again and again in this summer rain. -Carol Ann Duffy, “Name” Always read love poems in hard times #everynightapoem #summersolstice
A traditional Jiangsu ditty for the hot, indolent #芒種 #夏至 #小暑 micro-seasons: 芒種夏至天 走路要人牽 牽的要人拉 拉的要人推 Those walking need to be led Those led need to be dragged along Those dragged along need an extra push #everynightapoem 📷Su Xinyu 苏新宇
Ooh they have a (terrifying) mascot!
The punnery in Taiwan Am dead w/ 划蛋瘦肉舟
“life; London; this moment of June.” Virginia Woolf, Mrs. Dalloway, 1925. A Wednesday in mid-June.
Charlie Chaplin’s Little Tramp persists in his belief in eudaimonia, despite all evidence to the contrary amidst the trials of life in modern times. “In Chaplin’s world, laughter is the surname of immortality.” -John Berger Marc Chagall, India Ink Chaplin 1925 Erwin Blumenfeld, Dada Chaplin, 1921
"and sailed back over a year and in and out of weeks and through a day" Remembering Maurice Sendak, #botd in 1928. from Where the Wild Things Are - my favorite page in the book. It's Max's look of stoic resignation that I love so much. #everynightapoem #ofsorts
"I think we ought to read only the kind of books that wound and stab us...A book must be the axe for the frozen sea inside us" From a 20 year-old Franz Kafka in a letter to Oskar Pollak, trans. Richard and Clara Winston. On the centennial of his death today -
A strange and belated discovery for me: end-of-term indulgence, finally saw #PoorThings (fabulous). Then out of curiosity read -inhaled- Alasdair Gray's original novel. How have I never known of his work before?? It was an absolute thrill, like reading Calvino or Borges or Byatt for the first time.
forever favorite 🩷💜 母情節快樂!
Celebrating brilliant, kind, justice-minded young people going forth in a muddled world. #Duke2024
Was a difficult choice to leave town amidst Commencement and Mothers Day festivities - but honored to be keynoting at the U of South Carolina Transpacific Symposium this weekend and meeting up with colleagues I’ve long admired. Join us if you’re in town. Details: sc.edu/study/colleg...
“Imagine an iron house, with absolutely no windows, indestructible, with many people asleep inside who will soon die of suffocation…Would you think you are doing them a good turn [by waking them before they perish]?” “But if a few awake, you can’t say there is no hope.” Lu Xun
"Yet I could not erase all possibility of hope, for hope lies in the future. I could not rely on my own present evidence in its lack, to refute his assertion that it might exist one day." -Lu Xun, from Preface to Call to Arms, 1922. #everynightapoem #ofsorts #救救孩子
Love expired 30 years ago today
Every day I buy a can of pineapple with an expiration date of May 1 because May loves pineapple and May 1 is my birthday. I tell myself that if she doesn’t come back by the time I’ve bought 30 cans, then our love will expire too Chungking Express 重慶森林 dir. Wong Kar Wai
Every day I buy a can of pineapple with an expiration date of May 1 because May loves pineapple and May 1 is my birthday. I tell myself that if she doesn’t come back by the time I’ve bought 30 cans, then our love will expire too Chungking Express 重慶森林 dir. Wong Kar Wai
I’ve found a prisoner’s letters to a lover— One begins: ”These words may never reach you.” — What else can I say? It rains as I write this. Mad heart, be brave. -Agha Shahid Ali, from The Country Without a Post Office #everynightapoem #fragment
Paul Auster as a student participating in the 1968 occupation of Columbia University, as seen in Peter Whitehead's The Fall (1969). safe travels
Renee Tajima-Peña and Fred Ho, anti-apartheid protests in Harvard Yard (this was my era) Let students lead.
“In 1996 students at Columbia University demanded the creation of an ethnic studies program...students went on a hunger strike and occupied a building. The campaign led to the formation in 1998 of the Center for the Study of Ethnicity and Race.” Photo by #CorkyLee
Big fan of #RuPaulsDragRace queen #NymphiaWind #妮妃雅 - and love that she always shouts out Taiwan! But I'm perhaps even more impressed with Nymphia's mother Mimi and her attitude towards life and parenting. A sweet episode focusing on them on Taiwan PBS 2020: www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZAI...
I will be in Princeton next week for the public defense of Tsz-kit Yim's fine dissertation on "Classical Chinese Novels and Global Media Climate: Ecological Form, Affective World-Making, and Infrastructural Network" - join us if you happen to be on campus! #readingthestone
Part 2 of "The Chinese Family Romance" workshop series at Harvard Fairbank Center - April 19, Friday. Some of the students in my current Duke graduate seminar (by the same name)will be presenting as well!
For the past few weeks I’ve been deep in the horror thriller - zombie apocalypse- dystopian science fiction - romance genre fiction discussion arc of my “Narrating Asia” class…and somehow this CBS News headline encapsulates them all
One of the most glorious film endings - and featuring a solar eclipse. Red Sorghum 紅高粱 (Zhang Yimou dir, 1987), based on Mo Yan's series of novels by the same name.
Ansel Adams, Eclipse [Camptonville, 1925] #日蝕
Qing Ming Festival #清明, an occasion for tomb-sweeping and remembrance, falls on April 4 this year. Once again I am far from home and unable to sweep my loved ones’ tombs; so instead, sharing a small and most familiar poem. #everynightapoem
Delighted to take part in this wonderful event! Tomorrow at noon, Rubenstein Library! calendar.duke.edu/show?fq=id%3...
TNU 師大’s library in Taipei 😢