
I know I sound like a broken record, but this is why the ERA matters. It changes the standard for any decision the Court makes on gender and sex equity. It binds them to the Bostock ruling, where two of the current conservatives were in the majority. And that’s just the beginning of what it can do.
🚨🚨🚨 “The Supreme Court on Monday agreed to review a Tennessee law that bans gender transition care for people younger than 18. The case will be the first opportunity the justices have to consider the constitutionality of such restrictions, which 23 states have passed since 2021.”
Supreme Court agrees to review Tennessee ban on gender transition The case will be the first in which the justices consider the constitutionality of restrictions on gender transition care, which 23 states have passed since 2021.
The ERA is trans rights. The ERA is Obergefell. It’s abortion access. It’s fair pay. It’s parental leave. It’s the transformation in our society and thinking that we desperately need, because so many people have given up on thinking we can do anything at all. The Equal Rights Amendment is hope.
Yet another reason to really want to go back in time and shout "fuck you" to Phillys Schlafly.
We can shit on her memory by affirming it now
We got a New York State ERA on the November 2024 ballot as well!
I'm old enough to remember that the whole "parental consent" thing was how the forced birth zealots got a foothold.