
Sure, sure. Martin has taken nearly a decade. Rawn began promising book 3 in Exiles in 1997. Yeah. She's got her reasons, of course, but yeah.
I was going to snark but then I read the explanation for why she hasn’t and I get it 100%.
This is the closest I could find to an explanation for her writers block for anyone else who is curious. Her mother was her first draft reader and sounding board and sadly passed away before the third book. I can imagine it’s associated with a lot of pain
Elsewhere it says she struggles with depression, which is absolutely awful for writer’s block, particularly with anything creative.
I don't have it to hand, but she's been very forthright about it. The link quotes from the forward where it comes up. Also it sounds like people have been horrid to her about it, which is depressing in and of itself. I mean, I wanted it too, but not enough to be nasty.
Absolutely something that is the death of inspiration.
And while I would love to see it, she has a tendency to brutally kill off favorite characters, with almost no buildup or warning. I don’t know if my heart can take that again.
Depression is the belief that the world would be better off without you.
She released a whole other series over the past decade, so I think she's recovering slowly — but I think she's never going back. She did state her intention to finish the trilogy eventually, but I'm not sure she really feels it as anything other than an obligation.
Melanie Rawn begins work on The Captal's Melanie Rawn, author of The Dragon Prince, announced that she is working on the long awaited third volume in the Exiles trilogy, The Captal's Tower.
Cheers for the link. I can understand her wanting to avoid any triggers for her depression.
I 100% thought it was going to be some DB Cooper “she went missing in 1998” thing that would be funny but no
I have an author that happened to, but the name and details escape me. But let me circle this and put a pin in for later.
(Btw book 5 came out in 2011, so we are closing in on 13 years for Winds of Winter)
If book 5 had much in common with the TV series, which is possible seeing as he gave plot points to D&D, I wonder if he felt the need to scrap and rethink some of his ideas after seeing them brought to life and heavily criticised.
By season/book 5 the show and books were pretty wildly apart.
Yeah there were a lot of differences, I was more thinking of the overall thrust of the story and where things ended up going. Like Dani going suddenly mad and wiping out KL annoyed a lot of people and wasn’t given enough foundation in the show, but was probably a major future plot direction.
Oh, no, it's absolutely dreadful. I just keep thinking of it when I see the books or hear people talking about Martin.
I'm dyslexic, and writing a (whatever we're calling these) can be a struggle. I have a thousand and one stories in my head, but can't get them onto the page. I will never rush anyone for slow writing.