The stars are just old lights, I can see them falling down

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The stars are just old lights, I can see them falling down

Aspiring author, reluctant world traveller, and very lazy analyst. I support the law. Someone has to. It won't support itself. Don't make me analyse; you will not be able to stop me.
... Okay, so, not great but does anyone else think it's kind of weird they were just getting around to it now?
The addition of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to the Kremlin’s “wanted list” shows “the desperation of the Russian state machine and propaganda,” according to Ukraine’s ministry of foreign affairs.
Ukraine claps back after Russia puts Zelenskyy on ‘wanted list’ Moscow has sought to kill the Ukrainian president since the beginning of its full-scale invasion.
New boat hire attendant: Come in No 99, your time is up. Number 99, come in please. If you don't come in now, #99 we will have to come out and get you and we will have to charge you extra! Old hand: We don't have a boat #99. Noob: Number 66, are you having a problem?
Okay, but for real, antelope horns are dramatically underutilised for our purposes. I foresee a few minor problems during mating season, but nothing more grant money couldn't solve.
My latest New Scientist cartoon. #AI
There are very few people, blessedly few, in this world who don't just make it worse but deliberately set out to do so—to look at it and say, "I am going to screw this planet up. My plan is to leave it in a worse state than I found it." Meet Benjamin Netanyahu.
Hamas says Netanyahu ‘hindering’ truce deal; talks to resume in Hamas accuses Israeli PM of ‘personally hindering’ a ceasefire deal as second day of talks is set to resume in Cairo.
Friends, I love that some of you care about the ocean and want to help conserve it But when experts tell you "please don't say demonstrably factually incorrect things," please don't reply "I am raising awareness!" Saying wrong things is absolutely not raising awareness of anything.
Unusual, but today, a dog.
It’s a lovely day, so have some premium dachshund content.
Keep in mind that protests win through being cracked down on more often than they win just by being annoying. Martyrs make great poster boys. Sucks at the blunt end — but these people were peacefully protesting, engaged in protected speech and the riot cops were brought in. Remember this rage.
The thing about protests is that they are supposed to be inconvenient, they are supposed to annoy. The civil rights movement was annoying as fuck, but if you are nice and polite and tone policed, no one is going to notice. This is basic shit.
So... Twitter is just adding people to my followed list. Verified people, of course. I have never followed Jacob Rees-Mogg. I wish everyone I follow would leave Twitter and I could delete my account there. I haven't posted in three years. I literally just follow some artists and news sites.
It's wild that universities, cops, & fucking CONGRESS are just hell-bent on going all-in on this demonization of protesting students despite intense public scrutiny showing their every assertion to be wrong & despite the fact that history has sided with protesters EVERY OTHER TIME this has happened.
It's the greatest threat to British-Irish relations in less than five years. We should put up a sign. 'Years since last quarrel between London and Dublin over London doing something stupid.' We will literally never move the century mark from 0.
real quote "you cost the city $140,000 in a lawsuit" "thats a lie" .... "oh yeah someone else in the chat says it was $139,000"
「なでろー」 「ぼくもー」 #猫 #ねこ #cat
“I’m not here to speculate” I want these student journalists put in charge of CNN’s news division, stat
How did he feel about January 21, 2021 again? Asking, I refuse to collapse the wave function by myself.
Crackdowns on protesters bring out the authoritarians
And nobody ever learns except for the people who don't have to fill column inches or have waaaay too much money.
Every time tech companies release a demo that absolutely blows everyone's mind and launches a million think-pieces about how industries will change, there's always a short piece that comes out weeks or months later that reveals the demo was basically made up. Case in point:
Turns Out That Extremely Impressive Sora Demo... Wasn’t Exactly Made With A viral two-minute short titled "Air Head," created in part by using OpenAI's video-generating Sora tool, required a good bit human editing.
But we are awash in crime! Unsafe subways! Migrant humans! Unhoused people! It’s as unsafe as a random day in March 1987! New York is a terrifying hellscape, dammit!
All eyes on CCNY and CUNY. NYPD still conducting raids. So glad there nothing else pressing they have to do other than go after nonviolent student protesters.
Michael Moore on 96 likes, 14 comments - michaelfmoore on April 30, 2024
Considering the scale of volcano eruptions in Indonesia goes from 'inconvenient' to 'potential global extinction event', with three in the past 200 years ago being cataclysmic — Going to call this a win.