Silly B Man

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Silly B Man

He/him. Proudly Jewish. Marine veteran of 🇮🇶&🇦🇫. Corporate litigator. Dad.
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The article says that Biden wasn't "old" (aka displaying these new symptoms) in 2023, but a review of 2023 Biden articles definitely has him as being too old for the job then. So which is it? If you were wrong last year, why should we believe you now?
President Biden, who at 81 is the oldest person ever to hold the office, has displayed signs of accelerated aging in recent months, said numerous aides, foreign officials, members of Congress and others who interacted with Biden over the last 3½ years.
Biden’s aging is seen as accelerating, lapses described as more Aides, foreign leaders, donors and members of Congress say Biden has seemed slower and more often loses his train of thought in recent months, though close aides insist he remains mentally sharp
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I have no idea the best path re Biden but I do know a solid week straight of “Biden Old” and “Rich Dems Worried” above-the-fold stories are *obscene* in the face of SCOTUS using the Constitution to wipe their asses purely in the service of reinstating a felon rapist as president. Crazy-making shit.
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Wages rose 3.3 percent in 2019, 3.9 over the past year. Job growth slowing. The Fed is supposed to get ahead of the curve. Time to cut.
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Baude who, by the way, clerked for Roberts, and whose read on what the hell is going on with the conservatives is worth a great deal
ignore the hed, this is extremely harsh criticism from the very measured Will Baude of the Court's rulings in the 14th Amendment and immunity cases
Opinion | A Principled Supreme Court, Unnerved by Most of the court’s decisions were principled and sound — most, but unfortunately not all.
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When you see the way the press is treating Joe Biden for aging in public, you see how they could treat Donald Trump for committing fraud, rape, espionage, and insurrection and never, ever will.
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the economist sided with the confederacy in the civil war, idk that you're gonna be able to make their Top 100 list of worst shit with ageism and ableism
IMO this is a straight-up ageist and ableist image, no?
They teamed up to stop me from working from home today. It’s their third birthdays!
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Labour’s campaign was extremely cautious, and given past defeats I understand why. But now the UK center-left has a huge majority in a system with many fewer choke points than in the U.S. Let’s hope they’re ready to govern like the dominant party they now are
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Also, has everyone forgotten Trump's schedule with those huge blocks of "executive time" every day?
A few months before he was reelected overwhelmingly, it was widely reported that Ronald Reagan napped during cabinet meetings.
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Lmao they just changed the title of the piece from “Why I don’t vote” to “Why I won’t vote” rather than tell readers that the guy actually does vote
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Instead, they stealth-edited the title.
Man, if it turns out that the right winger telling NY Times readers that they should follow his example and not vote did in fact vote in the last two elections, the Times should add this to the piece. Better than a retraction, since it illustrates a willful hypocrisy.
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think the big problem dynamic here is it’s becoming pretty evident nobody fears any stitches for snitching, which does nothing to allay the concerns that the WH has no fastball left
Man, idk if this is going to work out
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The New York Times Crisis of Confidence: badly shaken in the wake of bad editorial decisions, many are calling for the paper to resign.
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For about the millionth time, I’ll just say — having a public editor who could ask people how this happened and lay it out for readers would actually make the paper look better than fucking up this badly and then walking away from it without saying a word.
Why I Don't Vote (OK, I Do Vote, but I Would Like to Discourage You, NY Times Reader, For Doing So For Some Reason) Via
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none of this matters. he wants a republican to win and a democrat to lose. he wrote the immunity opinion because trump is currently the republican nominee and he wants him to be the next president. you don't have to overthink this. roberts certainly didn't.
Even so, any self-reflection on giving a free pass to an unstable monster who thinks he got fucked by you 4 years ago might lead one to go "maybe I shouldn't."
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Remember after Dobbs when people organized to protest Supreme Court Justices at their homes and there was a system-wide freakout about how they need stronger security and Americans were wrong to do this? Coup plotters successfully defended themselves
Like in a coup, the key factor is surprising or discouraging the majority into inaction, so the coupers have a time window in which to seize power and establish the fait accompli. Which seems to be working, given how the institutionalists are talking themselves in circles and fanning themselves.
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Why I Don't Vote (OK, I Do Vote, but I Would Like to Discourage You, NY Times Reader, For Doing So For Some Reason) Via
Man, if it turns out that the right winger telling NY Times readers that they should follow his example and not vote did in fact vote in the last two elections, the Times should add this to the piece. Better than a retraction, since it illustrates a willful hypocrisy.
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Very Serious People can't resolve the cognitive dissonance involved in the knowledge that Trump was involved with Epstein's pedo ring and so pretend its a conspiracy theory or didn't happen. Trump inexplicably gave the guy who let Epstein skate a cabinet post! All out in the open!
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It's pretty interesting what the media decides is front page news and what they don't decide is front page news! Trump being a child sex abuser with close connections to Jeffrey Epstein somehow doesn't merit the same coverage as "unnamed Dem insider has concerns about Biden's age"
I saw this was trending and had to google it "The post alleges that Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for this year's presidential election, "forced" young girls to "perform lesbian sex acts."
Donald Trump, Katie Johnson allegations: Everything we Allegations from a lawsuit that was dismissed in 2016 are circulating on social media.
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Reposted byAvatar Silly B Man
If you have the Vichy Twitter mobile app on your cell phone at this point you are a sucker. Trusting Elon Musk with the permissions that app requires is insane
Chrome extensions like blue blocker make the desktop version workable, but lack of the same on the app or mobile browser make it much worse. The blue check prioritization ruined the usage for me.
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i really am going to be logged off for the holiday but i would like to drop off a parting thought: publishing a monarchist anti-voting take on the fourth of july is the strongest possible indication of someone's core, true values
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I've been thinking about this post from the Claremont Institute, a Trumpist think tank, ever since the SCOTUS immunity ruling. Wonder what "unpleasant things" the Trumpists have in mind.