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Asexual Athiest. Interested in science and its discoveries. I dabble in many hobbies, including art, crochet, painting, and writing. When I am not creating or getting involved in debates online, I am reading!
Religion is mental and emotional enslavement.
Operating on 1 hour of sleep and half a cup of tea is no fun.
I haven't thought about this for ages. But years ago, there was this devout teen who performed an exorcism on his friend because his friend liked to self-pleasure. I think it was a YouTube video I watched. I don't know if it still exists. I am not going to look for it.
After watching Harrison Butker's antisemitic, sexist speech. I can see yet another reason why my fellow women are choosing the bear.
FFS. The Japanese are going to resume whale hunting? Can't we as a species take care of our world instead of exploiting and harming it?!
If a racist, sexist book that encourages hate and division is the only thing keeping you 'good' then you are not a good person.
I spoke to a Christian yesterday and was told the two classic things when I quoted the bible and the harm it does. 'The bible shouldn't be read at face value, it needs to be interpreted.' And they admitted that without the 'morals' of religion, they are scared of what they were capable of doing.
What signs tell me someone hasn't read the bible? When they say things like 'hand on the bible, I am an honest man/woman'. If they had read the book, they'd know there is no truth in that book, that it is a story full of vitriol and hate.
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I know this is 7 years old. But I share the absolute disgust and fury Noah, Heath, Eli and their guest feel knowing there are people out there who are anti-vaxxers and who are allowing children to suffer and even die by diseases we almost eradicated via vaccines.
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I know people who believe crystals held aloft by string are magical. They believe that the stones spinning in different directions diagnose problems. They don't accept that the movement is caused by subtle movements in the body when we are 'still' and scoff at the placebo effect explanation.
Feminism is something we need because when I tell my doctor I never want kids, I shouldn't receive a look of concern as if she is silently saying, 'You'll change your mind later.' Too many people still think a woman's ultimate goal in life is to be a wife and mother. Not every woman wants this.
If you see this, do it pronouns: she/her height: 5'5" shoe size: 6/7 smoke: no tattoos: a 🐝 on my right shoulder piercing: ears and belly button fav colour: mocha brown fav drink: Mango Bubble Tea (Yorkshire Tea and Hazelnut Latte are a close 2nd and 3rd!)
Lol, I've just realised I've not been on Facebook for close to two years. I should log on soon and catch up with old friends and see what's going on! 😂
Being diabetic means having to be aware and taking responsibility for all the sugar and carbohydrates I eat. Honestly, I just want to eat a chocolate gateau without having to worry about injecting insulin. I hope science eventually finds a way to fix insulin levels without injections.
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Who else played Mass Effect 1 and noped out of Ashley's conversation when she mentioned God and made it clear she was xenophobic? I never rescue her at the end of the game. Does anyone else do this because it turns out one of my colleagues agrees and never rescues her either for the same reason.
There is nothing more ridiculous than someone telling me not to blaspheme. Dude, why would I be afraid of a word the religious made up to make speaking the truth about their ridiculous deities illegal?
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So, I now have tik-tok. And I've used it primarily to watch hilarious cat videos... I may have a problem! 😅😂🤣
So, apparently, I can't watch SlappedHam's ghost videos on YouTube without having to be disturbed with ads about Jesus Christ's Latter Day Saints. YouTube clearly doesn't realise I want entertaining fiction, not fiction that has caused billions to die and is still used to excuse bigotry and murder.
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Prove I am not god. #atheist
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My favorite part of the bible is when god gives everyone free will and then drowns them all for not acting the way he wants. ~ anonymous
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