
You don’t even have to like Kamala Harris to know how “let’s build a Rube Goldberg device to avoid nominating the person who was literally elected to step in for the president if necessary” would look
look - I'm receptive to both "no, it's gotta be him" arguments and "he's gotta step aside" arguments. not to be wishy-washy but both arguments have merit. "then we do a tourney" is OTOH flatly hilarious. yeah that'll go great. there will much much unity in the wake of the electoral deathmatch
I’ve never been a fan of hers per se (although I did think she’d make a better President than Biden in 2020) and sticking with Mr Magoo may still be the safest thing but I’m oddly optimistic about the idea of her taking over. That’s weird right
The history of people who were never supposed to be in charge turning out to be good at it is long and rich