the Mountain Goats

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the Mountain Goats

marsh gas enthusiast
a lot of legalese floating around that I'm happy to clarify -- this matter was settled way back in 1990. anything less than the best, is a felony
There will never be a more true statement made on social media. This is the pinnacle
Federal Sandwich sounds like a jam band frontman’s side project
the thing is, the richest country in the history of the world could absolutely afford to fund FEDERAL SANDWICH, forever, and then while we might not be the coolest country because there's other stuff too, in one way we would be the cool sandwich country
POSTAL BANKING is a great idea and it leads me to my other great idea: FEDERAL SANDWICH. Guaranteed access to a sandwich to anyone who wants one at ANY US Federal Govt facility. Let me explain. No, there is too much, let me sum up:
Gonna go to my first tournament since 1/20 and bring a bunch of my “I play Blue because” cards to hand out to my opponents and make so many new friends
Lord, give me the strength today to do the other stuff I want and need to do, instead of writing a poem called "I Play Blue Because..." that would look like a condolences greeting card, all calligraphy and flowers and lace, and has lines like "I play blue because I want you to be your best self"
the best apples are the ones people are likely to call “ugly” because they let you know which people aren’t worthy of something as sublime as an apple
ben davis apples, painted by james marion shull, 1910
this, imo, is very good and clarifying
to start talking about this, we have to ask two things: who would be the people running the party, and who would be the base of support? let’s call it Unnamed Leftist Party (ULP)
can somebody wonkier than me tell me whether trying to build a 50-state ballot qualified leftist party that would run in House & Senate races is an even remotely viable idea in theory? like I get that they would have to caucus with D's and learn to bargain in ways they'd hate, but -- ??
Nowhere near the pace I had before injury become such a big part of my picture…but I’m building consistently and it feels good. Sharing in case anybody needs motivation.
There’s a New Message for You in MyChart, Charlie Brown
I'm excited for a big wave of posts and editorials sayin like "he's taking care of himself. the voters just love self-care"
Man, idk if this is going to work out
pretty excited for this and will cue up some Cecil Taylor in celebration. people talk a good game about freedom but Cecil Taylor's music is genuinely interested in the idea & its consequences within art
Woke up to the news that physical copies of IN THE BREWING LUMINOUS: THE LIFE & MUSIC OF CECIL TAYLOR are out in the world. This photo comes from the UK, and someone in the US also got one (ordered direct from the publisher, arrived in 5 days via DHL). Excited, to say the least.
Palovo Peaches (42-2-1, 37 TKO)
palovo peaches, painted by royal charles steadman, 1922
plenty of things about today that suck but beating down overpowered decks with the magic of Tergrid is not one of them
the fact that the left and centre in France have both said that the third place candidates will drop out is getting basically no play in a US press going full apeshit over Round 1 results and yes it is so that you think fascism is inevitable globally so why not here
THE sentence of the day: A Macronist incumbent in the Marseille region came in 3rd in her seat. She just dropped out to support the left. She said, about why she's maneuvering to block the far-right: "Defeats happen, but you can never recover from dishonor."
also yes if you will be squicked by seeing the rightful end awaiting fascists at the hands of the people, don't go look at what the people, in one of their most glorious hours, did to the guy who tried it with them for too long. and his friends, too. up there to keep him company.
warning: if you click this and scroll down, you will see a mangled corpse, and it will be disorienting because rather than feeling revulsion, you will feel something that can only be described as "hell yeah"
i can offer no guidance for what we have to do to fix all of this, but i do enjoy reading the wikipedia article about how mussolini got strung up like a hog
Death of Benito Mussolini -
*Axl voice* what's so supreme about this court anyway
I was just told that you can now buy the European tour poster I recently did, I still feel honored about working for such an incredible band <3
this is a quality take. in the spirit of its wisdom let me say that any women who are older than me by 2-7 years, have contralto voices that can hold pitch, and know how to operate a PT-76 are welcome to drive down my street and run over me with it, preferably not even noticing that they've done so
i think it’s good when people post about their weird sex shit online. online should be as hostile as possible toward anyone trying to use online for normal reasons because the people that want to use online for normal reasons are complete psychopaths.
a bag of potatoes wearing a candidate mask would ride "my opponent can't even get a liquor license in New Jersey" all the way to the White House. my cat, S'mores, who is absolutely not fit to govern, would run "my opponent can't get a liquor license in New Jersey" ads 24/7 on all three networks
Periodically, I like to reread my favorite Scottish poem: Batman's Aff His Nut by Robert Florence.
if your candidate can't put together a minimal techno set that makes me feel like a single blissed out atom vibrating in a cosmic sea of like-minded atoms then your candidate cannot be said to be serious about the economy
Sorry if this offends, but neoplatonism is a mess
Joseph is right — the insignificance of this is total. We don’t have to all pretend that this stuff matters or is moving any needles that matter. It’s theater. It’s not very good theater. Go to the theater if you want to see some good theater.
Can you imagine a single person remembering anything about this debate five months from now? You can just not talk about it. It doesn't matter
this is the only good debate post. everybody else stop posting
everybody involved in the debate is cosplaying as a person who believes a lot of voters will make up their minds based on what they see at the debate. The debate is a LARP
'touch grass' fuck you buddy i touch grass every single day. its actually how i camouflage myself from prey