
It's weird how pedophiles keep winding up in convicted felon Donald Trump's group of advisors! What a coincidence!
Robert Morris, senior pastor at Gateway Church in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex and former religious advisor to former President Donald Trump, resigned after admitting to molesting a 12-year-old girl in the 1980s over a period of 4 years.
Texas megachurch pastor resigns after admitting to molesting a Robert Morris, the former religious advisor to President Trump stepped down from his post after the abuse was made public in a report by the Wartburg Watch.
It's worth thinking about what type of people have the strongest interest in lying to people concerned about child abuse and telling them that it's mostly a matter of elaborate white slavery rings and not family members, pastors, youth sports coaches etc
What rotten luck for Qanon, the organization very sincerely concerned about child abuse
One of the really depressing things about learning about q-anon as a phenomenon is how many of the people who are really into it were themselves victims of child abuse, almost always by a known authority figure from their community.
Stranger Danger has such a siren call because it externalizes the threat as something external that's comin' to get ya as opposed to the depressing reality of a strong majority of perpetrators being known and trusted with the associated judgement of those in guardian roles
The message pedocons *really* do not want kids to hear is "you are in full control of your own body and your consent is required for anyone else to put their hands on it"
and and AND what interests are served by "protecting" children from accessing information about bodily autonomy, consent, safe sex, and reproductive health
Pedocons is the worst Transformers faction
The Qanon seem to need a big daddy and want to be told what to do.
Qanon was a reaction to real revelations of systematic sexual abuse, turned into bizarre mythology because acknowledging that abuse flows directly from unaccountable men having power over women and children was ideologically indigestible.