
It was obvious to me in real time that Trump was blundering on "black jobs" because, look, if one group of people in America gets to be touchy about one thing, it's black people about their place in our labor system. It's literally *the* national sin
I know I'm jokerfying doing it, but I beg, plead, implore, entreat, earnestly request that people start engaging with the substance of that debate. One of the candidates talked about "black jobs" and throwing his enemies in prison
It really is getting annoying that so many pundits think Trump is incapable of fucking up, that viewers just ignored what he said and spent 90 minutes only thinking Biden looked old.
Pundits think of this in terms of who “won” the debate, detached from the stakes of what was actually said about policy. Because they’ve convinced themselves no one cares about policy.
"I have black people counting my money ... I hate it. The only people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes all day." -- DJT, quoted in USA Today, May 20th 1991. He's always been head cheerleader for our original sin.
Trump is really just insanely racist. not in the weirdo Twitter way DeSantis was, he's just your racist uncle with the intensity turned up to 11. he's clearly *trying* to turn illegal immigration into a winning issue with black people, but he just cannot talk about it without turbo-racism.