Jay Hulme

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Jay Hulme


Poet. Speaker. Educator. Performer. Adult, YA, and Children's poetry. Occasionally picture books. Lots of tweets about churches. Unapologetically trans (he/him)
Leaving for my long pilgrimage and my friend, a witch, presses a hagstone into my hand, says it's for guidance, and a safe journey. I tie it to my bag, later, at the end of a Eucharist the Priest blesses it with the rest of my kit. He prays for us, too, for guidance, and a safe journey.
Currently in an informal support meeting with other victims of my stalker within the diocese, and have just been told by them, (not by the diocese), that this was taken down weeks ago.
My stalker was sentenced at Leicester Crown Court today. I began being stalked in June 2021 and reported it to the police in January 2022 and the diocese in March 2022. I haven't been able to speak about it for fear of prejudicing the legal process, but it has been a very difficult few years.
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It is very exhausting to see people doing "ha ha look how dumb Chat GPT is it can't get basic questions right" right as we are getting constant stories about how much energy even basic queries for AI uses up. Just don't use it! The bit isn't that funny!
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We have the technology to find precisely what existing thing you’re looking for on the Internet but instead here’s technology that finds nothing at all and makes up nonsense instead. That will be $100 billion and all the electricity please.
Signed and dedicated copies of my latest book are finally available from my website. They'll be up until the end of the month, at which point I'll be going on a 500 mile pilgrimage, so won't be able to sign books for a while. Grab em while they're still damp and mossy: jayhulme.com/shop/the-van...
The Vanishing Song — Jay Hulmejayhulme.com Published: 2023 Publisher: Canterbury Press In ‘The Vanishing Song’ Jay leaves the city streets found in ‘The Backwater Sermons’, and searches for the wildness of medieval Christianity. Here death...
I have been trying to get this photo of the Lady Chapel window at St Nick's for years. It's really hard to get it neat and lined up and in the right light and I finally succeeded! This window is from 1929 and was created by Theodora Salisbury. It's my favourite window in the church!
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Sykt stolt av å slippe fullt program for Skeiv Poesi 2024 den 21 juni. "Cathedrals are trans, trans people are cathedrals” - @jayhulmepoet.bsky.social 🩵🧡 Sjekk ut fullt program her: www.facebook.com/share/biceXz... (Alle får også en gratis diktsamling å ta med seg hjem, tenk det!)
It's Joan of Arc's feast day. Here's a poem about her from my latest book.
My stalker was sentenced at Leicester Crown Court today. I began being stalked in June 2021 and reported it to the police in January 2022 and the diocese in March 2022. I haven't been able to speak about it for fear of prejudicing the legal process, but it has been a very difficult few years.
"straight off, a seagull came, pulling, pecking at the paper to take my words to God." Cara L. Mckee
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Thinking again this morning how thankful I am for the work of @jayhulmepoet.bsky.social which has been so foundational in the recontextualizing and rekindling of my faith and religious practice.
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And remember, priests die in hot cars.
we're entering the time of year where you should remember to regularly leave out fresh water for the local goths
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"Christ bares Her breast in the darkness and speaks of a world full of love"
"Christ bares Her breast in the darkness and speaks of a world full of love"
Not to be a toddler showing off their collage skills, but I've never made a zine before and I'm VERY proud of the one I just made at the church zine making night tonight.
"let’s pound her fingers into paste, pound the hand open, [...]" - Nick Flynn
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Join me in my latest newsletter, as I climb Washington National Cathedral. jayhulmepoet.substack.com/p/washington...
Join me in my latest newsletter, as I climb Washington National Cathedral. jayhulmepoet.substack.com/p/washington...
Sometimes I write complex deeply-layered poems, and sometimes I write simple little love poems, but the love poems are about old churches. From The Vanishing Song: canterburypress.hymnsam.co.uk/books/978178...
"There's no other way to say this: I fell in love." - Yusef Komunyakaa
I'm keynoting the Trans Theology Conference this year September 5th & 6th. You should come. Especially if you're a trans Christian who feels alone in that or a cis person who works in the church and supports trans rights Tickets for online & in person attendance👇 www.eventbrite.com/e/transgende...
Me, seeing a strange doorway in an old church: "oooh! There's not a 'no entry' sign!" Me, moments later, from the creaking and pendulous darkness: "There DEFINITELY should have been a 'no entry' sign!"
Pov: you think you're alone in an old church, until suddenly you hear a suspicious climbing noise...
Do you feel lic a prinses? Yes or 【𝗡𝗼】 ʙᴜᴛ ɪ ᴀᴍ ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ
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Grateful for @jayhulmepoet.bsky.social’s lovely Radio 4 Easter Sunday programme, with which I started my day this morning. 🏳️‍⚧️✝️
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Today is Easter and also the Transgender Day of Visibility, so here's an Easter poem by trans poet @jayhulmepoet.bsky.social
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Happy Easter, and happy Trans Day of Visibility, especially to those for whom both is meaningful.
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Absolutely beautiful programme by the wonderful @jayhulmepoet.bsky.social A perfect way to mark both Easter Sunday and Trans Day of Visibility!
Tune in to BBC Radio 4 at 6:35am on Easter Sunday, to join me on a journey across Lindisfarne, and down to Durham Cathedral. If that's too early, don't worry, it'll be available to listen to worldwide for a full month on BBC Sounds: www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m...
BBC Radio 4 - Easter Sunrise Service - Songs that Vanish: A Poetic Pilgrimagewww.bbc.co.uk A poetic pilgrimage for Easter Sunday led by poet Jay Hulme.
Tune in to BBC Radio 4 at 6:35am on Easter Sunday, to join me on a journey across Lindisfarne, and down to Durham Cathedral. If that's too early, don't worry, it'll be available to listen to worldwide for a full month on BBC Sounds: www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m...
BBC Radio 4 - Easter Sunrise Service - Songs that Vanish: A Poetic Pilgrimagewww.bbc.co.uk A poetic pilgrimage for Easter Sunday led by poet Jay Hulme.