
I would like to be a writer but I'm wondering how that will go in midlife. So I'm wondering what's advice would be? Is 48 too late to even think about starting?
I just want to thank everyone who commented words of encouragement. That wasn't my intention as much as it was just to see what Neil himself would say or if he would even reply. Which I'm ecstatic that he did and about all the other interactions as well. Much appreciated everyone! 🙏
Dead is the only age that's too late to start being an author.
I figured you'd say something like this. Guess I just needed to hear (read) it to help motivate me. I'm going to check out your master class because I have no idea where to start. Haha
On a related note, I was hoping I could get your insight on something. I haven't finished/published any books. I have, however, self-published several D&D adventure modules. One even won silver in the ENNIE Awards (I also wrote comic reviews until recently). Is that enough to call myself a writer?
Thank you, Neil, and I mean that sincerely. The fact that I have unfinished stories and half-written drafts just gathering dust has made me feel like I've failed at being a writer, but if you say that my adventures qualify, then, well, that's pretty dang validating.
On the contrary! Having unfinished stories and half-written drafts lying around means you're definitely *succeeding* at being a writer. (And that's not an attempt to be funny!) It means you're *working* at writing. There's absolutely no more rleiable diagnostic.
... (argh: "reliable...") It sets you apart from—and miles ahead of—the people who never get any further than "I've got a book in me, someday when I have time I'll write it..." ...You're a writer. Now just get busy answering the basic question: "What do I write next?" :)
I've got two novels languishing in my hard drive I haven't looked at for months, but I've recently gotten into the habit of writing a very quick poem every single day. I have to remind myself that that isn't failure - it's just a different form of success.
Thank you for this. I started a short story in the 80s with an idea I found challenging. Never finished. Last year, I realized who the characters were and what it was really about. It will be one of my best works.
Wanna cry tears of happiness just reading this. Ty 🥹
You have written, yes? In my view, at least, that makes you a writer. And since some of your writing (modules count, just ask the spirit of John M. Ford) has been published, you're a *published* writer. I just write mediocre fanfic about Star Trek Online that only exists in their forums.
•makes a sad face about the fanfic not being on AO3 where I can find it with a STO tag•
If it makes you feel better, my 3rd Audiobook comes out in 10 days, and my 8th novel comes out in 30 days, and I still have days where I feel like I'm not a real writer, because the words won't get on the paper. If you've published award winning DnD modules, you're doing fine.
Was that a "Throw Momma from the Train" reference?
Did people read your work and get excited about it? You're a writer. Did people pay you money for the work they got excited about? You're a professional writer. Do people recommend your work to other people? You're an author. Welcome to the Secret Society of Wordslingers!
I'd even go so far as 'award-winning writer'
Right now I feel like I still need to put an asterisk at the end of "award-winning," since it came in second, but we'll see if the adventure I'm working on now makes it into next year's ENNIES.
Still an award. If you won't back yourself, who will? ;)
I'm no Neil, but I think waiting until publication to call yourself a writer is rubbish. You write, you're a writer. You let people read your stuff, you risk rejection, you struggle over a blank page. There are thousands (millions?) of fanfic writers out there earning the title every day!
Tch! Tch! Tch! Dont mess with that tomb!
Incorrect, your family could release your book posthumously Although, at that point you wouldn't BE an author, you would instead have BEEN an author, but that's just semantics
You joke, but those were the circumstances behind the publication of A Confederacy of Dunces. His mother approached a publisher who avoided reading it for a while because he didn't wanna have to tell this grieving mother that her son was a bad writer, but then he read it...
Yes. But he wrote it before he died.
It's taking an awfully long time for people to realise that dead people don't write books...
Without context, that seems less unsettling than the other way around
The recommended method
I ruined your perfect heart number, but I took a screenshot before I "liked" your comment.
It always struck me as a love letter to misanthropes. Like what if Dostoevsty's Notes From Underground was funny? Not that NFU doesn't have its moments, but it's not nearly as light hearted. 🤭
Then you would have started being an author before you were dead.
It’s weird that so many people think publishing makes you an author and not the actual act of writing.
While even the dictionary isn't this precise, most people use writer to mean one who wrote, and author to suggest the writing is published; that you have, or at least have once had, books or stories in a form where strangers can opt to read them. Not saying this is right, but it's common.
Thats fair, i suppose i was looking at it more as a title than as a state of being, like ive written a lot of half finished stories etc but i wouldn't call myself an author, but you make a good point....and i was mostly making a joke etc