Squirrely Danette

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Squirrely Danette


Anti-MAGA, anti-fascist, pro-woke liberal. I ignore trolls and rude people. If I think your screen name is hilarious, I might follow you. Looking to find funny people who are as fed up with the MAGA party as I am. Humor helps me get through this madness.
Just saw a meme depicting a cartoon of two planes: one flaming and one falling apart. The caption read "Build back better?" These people do know Biden is not actually building airplanes, right? And that the President is not in charge of operations at Boeing? WHY ARE PEOPLE SO EFFIN' STUPID?!?!?!
My face every time I hear the words "Marjorie Taylor Greene." (Not an actual picture of me).
“Trump is doing all the things that would-be autocrats do as they campaign for power, and this should scare the hell out of us. However, he is also doing it in a style that echoes with weakness and looks a little like cosplay.” Latest: adamkinzinger.substack.com/p/trump-stum...
Every time I open this app, I hear "You're my blue sky; you're my sunny day" in my head. This is not a bad thing. 😀 youtu.be/JSMubgZoL58?...
It really sucks that people are willing to accept fascism because they think the cost of living will be cheaper. Wait til they find out the cost of living will NOT be cheaper, and that they no longer have the rights they thought they would.
Have you heard about Project 2025? If not, let me help educate you by providing a bunch of resources and videos about how HORRIBLE it will be if a republican takes the White House.
TikTok - Make Your Daywww.tiktok.com
He's baaaaaack!!!!!
Hey my muchachos, some shit went down on Twitter with Elon Musk's burner account, and to make a long story short I'm exclusively on Blue Sky now. Spread the word my dudes
Okay, who gave him the bond money? I have a few guesses.... 🤔
So what happens if Trump doesn't pay up? Anything?
Yes, she should be! Boebert and Gaetz, too.
MTG should be banned from tonight’s State of the Union address
States’ Rights is an American political philosophy that means states are allowed to be more authoritarian than the federal government, but cannot be more liberal than the federal government
I wasn't able to donate much, but I donated to the Biden campaign today. I don't think I have EVER felt so compelled to donate to a President's campaign.
The fact that I know more about Fani Willis’ and Nathan Wade’s relationship than I do about the crimes committed by Ginni Thomas and Clarence Thomas shows exactly what is terribly wrong with today’s political mainstream media.
I know we need to stay strong, but not going to lie. I'm feeling really discouraged and defeated.
He's going to successfully get ALL these cases against him dropped eventually, isn't he? 🤮
Trump is not going to be removed from the ballot. Trump is not going to be disqualified from running. Trump is not going to be in jail before the election (if ever).
My parents fled Nazi Germany. It's hard to believe that decades later these guys are being welcomed with open arms by one of our country's biggest political parties just a few miles away from the U.S. Capitol.
I not only oppose banning birth control pills because I don't believe the government should be regulating sex and family planning...but I also oppose it because there are other conditions that "the pill" helps to control, such as menorrhagia and dysmenorrhea. Leave our uteruses alone!!!!
Just so we're clear.... REPUBLICANS ARE TRYING TO NORMALIZE THE IDEA OF EXECUTING THEIR OPPONENTS. EXECUTING. THEIR. OPPONENTS. I feel like this just isn't being taken seriously enough, and it's terrifying.
Awww....It was nice to have Liam Nissan here while it lasted. Rumor has it, he's back on Twitter.
If there is evidence of corruption on either side of the aisle, it needs to be addressed. But what blows my mind is the way that the right completely ignores blatant corruption in their own party while amplifying the "sins of the left." And as we are finding out, some of those "sins" are made-up! 🤬