
Seeing a series of people on here testing positive for COVID, with fewer and fewer people avoiding what may be long COVID symptoms. Please wear a mask. Please. The long-term effects are really severe and have permanently changed the quality of life of people I know, including their ability to work.
It has legitimately baffled me to see so many people I know who are very intelligent actively choose the worst option in high risk environments. Doesn't matter if you are flying somewhere, attending a convention or just going grocery shopping. Not being one of the cool kids doesn't seem worth it.
A lot of the disposable masks are physically uncomfortable. The Flo mask range has changed my life. Having a comfortable, modular and affordable way to remain masked has really helped me. I haven't had COVID once. If you got sick despite doing all the right things, I'm so sorry. Love y'all.
(Not claiming that I've done everything perfectly, but constructively putting the time in to minimize our exposure risk has genuinely helped a lot. I have a breathing disorder and the potential consequences for me are life-ruining. Hoping the new vaccine with permanent immunity becomes a thing.)
I mask but I've been meaning to look into the Flo mask (just need to find an affordable seller here in the UK) - any tips and tricks for a hopefully imminent new user?
Definitely measure the bridge of your nose using the printable tool, if you've got a larger nose like me, to get a mask that fits well! Tissues or dental sponges are great for catching excess sweat inside it, and you can hand wash the sponge liner really easily.
You don't want to get it multiple times, and the way to not get it multiple times is to try not to get it once
I never see anyone wearing them anymore. I still wear mine but having to go to doctor/psychiatrist appointments or the store and hearing coughing is honestly extremely stressful and demoralizing. I can’t imagine how awful it feels to also have a health condition that makes you more vulnerable.
It's frustrating. Amusingly my allergies make me cough a lot so combined with the mask I can hope that people are at least a little "uhoh" and reconsider.