
The cognitive dissonance on this site is astonishing sometimes. One person is telling another person how vile they are for not using alt text, while out of the other side of their mouth they’re making outdated homophobic jokes about ol’ Joe and I just…
uh, there's plenty of things to make fun of about joe biden without making up he's gay
this literally just happened
I mean, don’t get me wrong. Alt text is important and we should all be using it, but if you’re going to be putting someone on blast because their behavior is problematic, your timeline probably shouldn’t be full of jokes that would be guffaw-worthy in a locker room in 1986.
I will add, though this may be more controversial, I didn't like people making homophobic jokes about Trump and Putin. That also isn't the problem with Trump. Also when Dems feel completely free to make fat jokes about Trump. And don't want the right to do so taken away from them.
Yeah I don't love it. I think seeing that was the prelude to me learning that 90% of Democrats are as racist as most Republicans.
It’s like you said, there are so many more things to make fun of these greasy skidmarks for that don’t involve being homophobic or fatphobic. There’s plenty that’s gross and slovenly without equating it with his weight.