Horrified, Lydia

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Horrified, Lydia


Former lit prof, lawyer. Close reading is my superpower. #PDX My gender is a work in progress🩶
Tfw you are sitting at a sidewalk table eating a pastry, and a dog walks past with their laser eyes glued on you.
Interestingly, what Biden is free to do without challenge from the courts by today's announcement is crimes, but not student debt forgiveness as he wanted or implementation of laws. And SCOTUS is now in the business of telling people how to commit crimes and get away with them.
He can have them shot by the armed forces and then nominate six replacements
Sadly, or happily, depending on your viewpoint, all of these are women.
they keep inventing new guys
Here's to all the cats who love it and purr like crazy when grabbed and hugged. No shade to those who hate it.
Shout out to all the people on here whose gender I don't know bc their handle and screen name don't indicate it. That's fun. Shout out to all the people I meet irl whose gender I don't know, I love you so much!
Smile, it's World Crocodile Day! Zoo Boise's Nile crocodile, Pandora, was rescued from a Louisiana canal after Hurricane Katrina. It's likely she was part of an illegal pet trade. She's in a much better home now, and every time you visit Pandora, you help species like hers. 📷: Zoo chef Brittany
Goddamn, something some one said on here reminded me of a book I really wanted to read, but I don't remember what. Help!
Back in the 90s, I died my hair purple (at home I think) and after that men started to come up to me frequently. I realized that my hair (much more unusual then than now) was to them like I was wearing a big sandwich board that said, "Easy lay." Gender has always been stupid to me.
Have been reading via audiobook Doris Kearns Goodwin's Team of Rivals, originally 15 minutes a day before going to sleep, meaning I lost half of each bit, but lately I've found it so enthralling that I've moved it to day reading. Only 30 hours to go.
Went out and got a croissant for breakfast, brought it home to heat up, now doggy is super excited I bought her a croissant. So happy! Such disappointment to come!
My father and some of his friends got drunk once in the 70s and wrote a disco song about Jesus. When they woke up, hung over, the next morning, they learned that Pope John Paul I had died. My father blasphemed so hard that God killed the Pope.
This Menendez trial seems like a slam dunk that would pass the ridiculous corruption standard SCOTUS has set up. It's also proof that a case that nearly succeeds is no deterrence to mfers like this, you have to get them straight to rights the first time, and investigate the hell out of them.
Reskeat how old you are, using a vague proxy. When I was 15, I was working in France for the summer, and listening to the radio I thought I heard that a president had resigned, but my French wasn't too good.
Reskeet how old you are, using a vague proxy: When I was a kid on Oahu, we had six-digit phone numbers and you had to dial 9 to reach Honolulu.
Just looking up how to get to Wildfang, and if there's time to get there before they close. Had to exclaim "Oh, fuck me!" as it's one bus to go there, they are open till 7. Also funny because the map had to come up with two other ridiculous ways to get there.
Yajūrō Takashima (Japanese, 1890–1975) Poppy, 1925
Researching this a bit, all the info seems to be coming from Chris Rufo, it's getting massive coverage in the right wing press, none in the MSM unless Fox News counts, and of course there's a GoFundMe. I would guess something happened, but we don't have the whole story.
Asshole doctor Does Harm by leaking medical documents to Chris Rufo, is now charged with 4 felonies. (Calling this guy a “whistleblower” and Rufo a “journalist” are some good examples underscoring just how detached from reality this entire ecosystem is)
DOJ charges Texas doctor after he blew the whistle on gender-affirming care for minorswww.foxnews.com The Department of Justice filed criminal charges against a surgeon who exposed Texas Children's Hospital for secretly conducting gender-affirming care on minors.
I ordered clothes from Wildfang, new to me, looking forward to seeing them a lot, but somehow, I ordered on my ipad, which doesn't know I've separated from my husband (which my iphone knows), and the clothes are on his doorstep. I want to go get the clothes right now. He is out, too far on my bike.
Okay WHAT is going ON in Philadelphia? Why is every arts institution crumbling at once?????
@jaz.bsky.social hey I subscribe to the 📌 feed, thank you for that. Is there a way if someone else has replied with a 📌 to a thread, I can piggy bank on theirs? So the thread would not be polluted with a series of 📌s?
Also having seen that, I'll post this photo from last summer that I really like. I'm 65.
I see a prompt is going around for the forty plus types among us to put up selfies so of course I'm gonna do one until I get sick of seeing my own dumbass face and delete it. Anyway this is 47 so far I guess
For an out-of-state felony conviction, Florida (a) bars voting if currently incarcerated and (b) follows the disenfranchisement rule of the state of conviction, once released (or sentenced to probation). In NY, unless currently in jail, a felon can vote. So Trump could vote, unless in jail.
Constitutional Amendment 4/Felon Voting Rights - Division of Elections - Florida Department of State dos.fl.gov
I'm reading Educated, which is well written and eye-opening, but damn it's terrifying and hard to read at points. When reading a memoir, you have every reason to believe that the kid makes it to adulthood, but I really don't see how.
How do I report a bug on here to the authorities?
One thing I don't understand about generative ai big mistakes posted on here, is I can't replicate any of them. I always get pretty good results from Google and it points me to sources. Also I grew up with a Encyclopedia Britannica from the 1920s, you should have seen the misinformation in there.
My cat Emmie, drunk on excessive purring.
Btw, if you are hiring and you want people who have integrity, hire the ones who refuse to do this. No shade on kids who do it, there may be many reasons they feel they don't have a choice. But doing definitely doesn't prove integrity.
NYU students who participated in encampment are still currently banned from campus and must complete ‘reflection papers’ on why their behavior was ostensibly lacking integrity. facultyforpalestine.education/2024/05/13/m...
I need, for reasons of health, to have bananas in the kitchen of my one-bedroom virtually all the time. (This hasn't been true until recently.) Ok fruit flies have never bothered me much, but now they're constant and growing in number. Is there anything I can do to reduce their number?