
there is something so profoundly radicalizing about the AI bullshit--not that it's a scam (that seems standard for new tech these days), but that the push has been towards the kind of work that people _want_ to do, solely because it represents the kind of talent and humanity tech bros can't control.
there is no need for computers to make movies, write the news, write fiction, write or act at all. we have problems, but "no one wants to create art or be a journalist" has never fucking been one of them. it makes me so goddamn mad that i can't think rationally about "AI" at all.
It feels like these people don't know what art is for or maybe they just despise creativity. I have no interest in anything made by gen AI because art is communication. People have things to say that I want to hear. LLMs don't.
There is a subset of AI defenders that want to be authors or artists but they don't want to put in the work to learn to write or paint.
What they want is a picture of Rouge the Bat wider than she's tall with tits to match but they're too much of a fucking coward to ask an actual human to draw that.
Not that there’s any dearth of exactly that out there on the internet lol
I just become rabid at the mention of AI and I really have to curb myself at work as they put shitty AI art in the weekly newsletter and I politely have to explain why I think this is not cool
The only problem we have right now, according to "AI" zealots, is that people must be paid for creativity. They hate that. They don't value it, yet at the same time, will spend the GDP and resources of small countries to replace the human labor they devalue!
well said, i feel the same
I thought the whole point of robots was that they would free us from drudgery so we could write poems and act and do screenplays! Not the other way around, I'm not digging ditches so a computer can paint! AND I LOVE DIGGING DITCHES.
...gonna go dig a ditch right now. For my plants. NOT FOR YOU, COMPUTER
Capitalist "innovation" is often just finding new ways to devalue labor
I find myself in a lot of volunteer situations where the temptation to use AI for signage/messaging seems to be particularly strong. It's dispiriting the how often I have to be "that guy" and explain to the group that I think it would be better not to use the AI! (Yes! Not even for the bake sale!)
if i want to be cynical, and why shouldn't i, i'd say this: these also happen to be the kind of work that dictatorships fear the most, cos indirectly it has the power to bring them down and they can never fully control it at least as long as it's humans that are doing the work
Dang. Yeah that’s a good point. Heavy flavor of “We’re stealing the work that brings you so much joy you’d do it for free. Now quit dreaming and get back to the mines.”
And more specifically, the kind of talent they themselves don't seem to possess.
I work in an industry where many wholeheartedly embrace it, it’s a real bummer. W/in certain narrow constraints it makes my job easier, yay, but those constraints are really fucking narrow. But I feel like if I said “I don’t use ChatGPT at all” in a meeting, I would be seen as out of touch.
And I think if you asked any of my colleagues “should AI make movies” they would say no, or yes but in an ironic way. But they would welcome the slippery slope.
i think it's just the stuff that'll get you sued less if you screw up. it's all a big loss leader until they hope it can draft corporate contracts and the like reliably. + ai art getting more news attention than ai tedious graphical design
Tech bros are anti social & uncreative.