Peter Ellis

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Peter Ellis

your friendly local yorkshireman from transylvania
so after scotland, wales also goes on my list of Stupidest Places I Got Sunburnt
they don't fuck about in wales
i can confirm the rumours are true
so, let's see what we can do in birmingham
that's a rather unfortunate pair of trousers you're wearing
looking at the map there are still reasons to be cheerful for example the constituencies won by farage's latest wheeze are likely going to be the first to be lost to erosion and sea level rises, so there is that
my informed analysis on the reform "surge" is as follows: there isn't really a corresponding surge in cunts, it's just that cunts got to choose a party of overt cuntery over the disguised cuntery of other parties
well, that's an interesting take on the giants' causeway
is there any tv channel that hasn't invited an abomination in the studio to spout shite?
i've had two pints of Free Thinker and i've got to say i now think jordan b peterson has a point
Reposted byAvatar Peter Ellis
if i could i would've voted for the alliance party purely on the basis that their leader was the only one to vote with dog
today i choose to write about the "trans debate" like it was an actual thing today i choose violence
Reposted byAvatar Peter Ellis
any dogs at polling station pics yet?
my tin opener decided halfway through a tin of beans that it's time to fall apart in a cartoonish way: first the little wheel pinged away, then as i was processing what had happened, another bit fell off, then the whole thing fell apart in my perplexed hand, parts bouncing all around the kitchen
i absolutely love the fact that the rules whose only purpose was to keep the "lesser" clubs down are ruthlessly exploited by said clubs
Absolutely filthy looking chart on The Athletic showing how PSR affected clubs are selling home grown players to each other to avoid censure.
i just hope gary sambrook will still get to eat big dinners
ngl, bsky isn't really much fun these days here's hoping things will improve somewhat from tomorrow evening
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On the final day of campaigning, Ed Davey goes for broke.
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i love my muslim receptionist
i love my muslim receptionist
Reposted byAvatar Peter Ellis
"infosec" is short for "infosectarian"
this is an interesting thing: when does "going into the family business" end and "nepo baby" begin? my parents have never been wealthy or famous but i come from an educated and reasonably well-connected family, plus my dad was a software developer back in the late 70s, so i had a massive head start
Yeah I think a lot of Nepo baby discourse misses the mark. It's not about the individual, someone wants to go into the family business/adjacent or has a background of money. It's that the system has stripped away almost any other method of succeeding.
un șut în fund, un pas înainte
THE EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIPS FOR IDIOMS: Romania vs Netherlands 🇷🇴 A slang Romanian version of “every cloud has a silver lining” translates to “a kick in the ass, a step forward” vs 🇳🇱 A very old (16th century) way of saying “it is what it is” in Dutch is “who knows why the geese go barefoot?”
psa: once again i've completely lost the plot
keir ii, god-emperor of britain
imagine defecting your party due to widespread racism and sexism in it and then choosing to join the tories we are living in a mirror universe
i've been staring in confusion at this facebook post for ten minutes, it's supposed to demystify the forces in cantilever bridges all the forces point downwards that'd be one hell of a bridge, constantly accelerating towards the center of the earth