Charles Logan

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Charles Logan

Learning Sciences PhD Candidate at Northwestern University - Critical Digital Pedagogies and Literacies - Dad Life - he/him/his
Have you seen the accompanying AI-generated image? It's...ridiculous.
The kids decided to play with the old puzzles and now I'm picking up and I must once again confront this demon child with his Exorcist contortion and beady eyes and friendly smile and like are those apples in the cart or are they human hearts please let them be apples please.
And yet, here’s a parent:
"District officials said Ed was rolled out initially this spring to the district’s 100 most 'fragile' schools — an attempt to provide the new benefit where it most was needed to help with academics, attendance and mental health issues."
Supt. Carvalho moves ahead with troubled AI effort despite collapse of tech LAUSD unplugged chatbot after collapse of company that created it, but Carvalho says other features remain to help students. Most schools don't yet have it.
Buy My Worthless NFT amirite?!?
I'm going to need lots and lots of time to explore Calculating Empires: A Genealogy of Technology and Power Since 1500, an amazing new project from Kate Crawford and Vladan Joler. Think I'll start with the education dimension. ht:
Since it's Father's Day, with all its Top 10 Gadgets, I thought I'd reshare my Civics of Tech post about talking with my kids about tech we see in the media we read and watch together. Because it's really hard to hear about Dadbot and keep my mouth shut :)
Today at #ISLS2024!
I'm excited to present "Learning About and Against Generative AI Through Mapping Generative AI's Ecologies and Developing a Luddite Praxis" at #ISLS2024 on Thurs, 6/13, from 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM in Jacobs 2220 B. The paper is available at or DM me for a copy.
A powerful way to begin #ISLS2024 with Dr. Susan Jurow’s keynote on whether we can design for healing in the learning sciences. “Healing is a way for us to be whole, to tap into the wisdom of our bodies and intuition.”
I loved John Bellairs’ books - with illustrations by Edward Gorey! This was my first (reading) love. What was yours?
I loved all the Dragonlance books and the related spin-offs. This was my first (reading) love. What was yours?
TFW you’re packing to present your paper on learning about and against generative AI by mapping its ecologies and developing a Luddite praxis and you realize the pins from make your argument pretty succinctly.
I'm excited to present "Learning About and Against Generative AI Through Mapping Generative AI's Ecologies and Developing a Luddite Praxis" at #ISLS2024 on Thurs, 6/13, from 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM in Jacobs 2220 B. The paper is available at or DM me for a copy.
Google and I have very different definitions of “no cost.”
TFW the email from the conference organizers arrives and you realize that it's time to put together your slides for #ISLS2024 asap. Excited to share "Learning About and Against Generative AI Through Mapping Generative AI’s Ecologies and Developing a Luddite Praxis."
Sometimes you read something exactly when you need it and it opens new ways of thinking and creating. Read "The Internet Doesn’t Exist in the Sky: Literacy, AI, and the Digital Middle Passage" by, S. R. Toliver, & at
Update: Progress is slow and I...I just can't with Sal Khan. Like has he ever read a single book about technology and education? Or talked to a teacher not employed at one of his schools? (And this unadulterated AI hype is only on page xxviii in the introduction, which I just barely escaped.)
Taking one for the team, as they say.
I'm slogging my through the introduction. Khan is already referring to Sam and Greg (that is OpenAI's Sam Altman and Greg Brockman) and says the quiet part out loud with this admission:
Taking one for the team, as they say.
Taking one for the team, as they say.
Without downloading any new pics, where are you mentally?
Without downloading any new pics, where are you mentally
Here's Asna Tabassum speaking truth to power again at USC, this time with an intentionally erased commencement address:
Putting together slides about a project and needed to communicate my approach to Big Tech's vision of education and really there's no better way to say it than these evergreen words from
And because I struggle at times with what it means to be a researcher when the world is on fire, I'm thinking again about this exhortation from Joe Curnow and Susan Jurow from their piece "Learning in and for collective action" at:
Thinking about how, when I was teaching high school English in Austin back in 2018, students organized a teach-in about gun violence, walked out of class, and marched with signs and songs to the Capitol - and how some of those students are on the UT campus now, still fighting for children's lives.
An ominous arrival in my inbox this morning signaling a future of trash paeans to Big Tech by the Emerson bot?
You're telling me that I've been living my life for the past three years ignorant that Bluey: The Album - worthy of at the very least a Pitchfork 11.2 - has been out in the world this entire time?!?
Google claims its new course on generative AI comes at no cost to educators, but furthering Big Tech's capture of education while expanding the AI empire's power and its reliance on dehumanizing labor practices and burgeoning environmental harms are enormous costs for a bot-generated lesson plan.
Me too! Looking forward to meeting you IRL one day. Thought you’d appreciate our closing slide :)
Made a veggie Charles for the kids tonight hope they like it yum/yikes!
We found antisemitic flyers on our car and our neighbor's car yesterday. Last night, we gathered with several neighbors to make signs expressing our love for one another and now the signs line the block. Eat shit, Nazis!
Yes! I'm here for’s argument in "An Elemental Ethics for Artificial Intelligence: Water as Resistance Within AI’s Value Chain" that an elemental ethics can and should be part of critical AI literacy practices.