Charles Logan

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Charles Logan

Learning Sciences PhD Candidate at Northwestern University - Critical Digital Pedagogies and Literacies - Dad Life - he/him/his
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"Decomputing takes the idea of ‘computing within limits’ to refer not only to the scale of computational machinery but to limits of extractive and colonial logics, limits to a biosphere’s ability to recover, limits to our Western knowledge systems and limits to tech solutionism"
Methinks this latest tired vision of innovative education produced by Big Tech will need more than a dozen solar panels to counter the environmental harms of AI.
Have you seen the accompanying AI-generated image? It's...ridiculous.
Have you seen the accompanying AI-generated image? It's...ridiculous.
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Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
Please help me locate my eyeballs for they have rolled back into the depths of my skull. From a founding member of OpenAI comes Eureka Labs, "a new kind of school that is AI native" and that will help usher in a "future where AI is a key technology for increasing human potential."
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“No two stories Poe tells are alike. Stories are generated using Microsoft Azure and ChatGPT 4o, a chatbot from OpenAI, and served up on demand with a kid-friendly app.” JFC. Know who else tells different stories every time? This dad. ht:
The First AI-Powered Storytelling Teddy Bear Is Here. I Gave It to My Kids to Poe is an animated talking teddy bear toy that uses ChatGPT to generate children's stories. I took it for an early test run and bedtime got strange.
Learning about and against AI includes working with students to understand the connections between AI and the military. Resisting and refusing AI means not providing cover to companies that make autonomous weapons by inviting them to ed-tech conferences.
AI’s ‘Oppenheimer moment’: autonomous weapons enter the The military use of AI-enabled weapons is growing, and the industry that provides them is booming
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deliberately or unintentionally, the people who want you to treat AI systems as fully autonomous agents are simply laundering responsibility and accountability for the failures/harm from AI into glorified copy-paste machines that can’t know responsibility or accountability
The kids decided to play with the old puzzles and now I'm picking up and I must once again confront this demon child with his Exorcist contortion and beady eyes and friendly smile and like are those apples in the cart or are they human hearts please let them be apples please.
I know I keep saying it, but I really think any administrator or teacher welcoming generative AI into their school or classroom needs to explain why the technology’s benefits outweigh deepening the climate crisis.
AI brings soaring emissions for Google and Microsoft, a major contributor to climate The tech giants both report surges in greenhouse gas emissions as they double-down on adding artificial intelligence to all of their products.
Recommended post from Carlo Perrotta. Let's resist providing OpenAI with our labor - and our students' - "that creates the much-needed network effects underpinning crowdsourced value creation – value which will be captured and monetised when the time is right."
The platform economy of GenAI in I have been out of the social media limelight for the past 6 months.  In the face of the incessant and at times overwhelming discourse around GenAI I reacted - like I suspect many colleagues – in a sl...
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"🇮🇱 sometimes styles itself like an 🇺🇸 UniverCity — the country’s boosters often call it “Startup Nation,” an oasis of innovation. Like a UniverCity, it seeks to stabilize its frontier in a standard sequence: displacing original residents, constructing its own bldgs + infrastructure, + attracting 💰"
"the firms in which universities now invest heavily are not only acquiring companies that sell arms to Israel; they are also making it harder to identify which companies sell arms to Israel in the first place. Universities’ endowments, like their campuses, are encircled by protective barriers."
The Fortress Protesting and Policing on Campus
Kitchen karaoke tonight with the oldest is broccoli microphones and Fleetwood Mac's "Everywhere" fyi.
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On that “data centers don’t consume water” talking point.
“In the back end, these algorithms that need to be running for any generative AI model are fundamentally very, very different from the traditional kind of Google Search or email…”
AI's Energy Demands Are Out of Control. Welcome to the Internet's Hyper-Consumption Generative artificial intelligence tools, now part of the everyday user experience online, are causing stress on local power grids and mass water evaporation.
The Washington Post launched a splashy "Climate Answers" AI chatbot this week. The only problem, as discovered by my colleague Maggie? It refuses to answer questions about whether AI is bad for the environment, in spite of the Post's excellent reporting on that topic:
Washington Post Launches AI to Answer Climate Questions but It Won't Say Whether AI Is Bad for the The venerable has a new AI chatbot, designed to answer climate questions. Why won't it answer prompts about AI's growing climate footprint?
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Everything is happening in Chicago in the next few weeks. The Convention followed by the Socialism Conference, and then in September, the Portal Project Convening [for which registration opened today]:
Growing the World We Want — Chicago, IL, Register by August 4th, 2024! Secure your spot at this groundbreaking event.
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No one knows for sure what tomorrow holds so might as well fight today.
And yet, here’s a parent:
"District officials said Ed was rolled out initially this spring to the district’s 100 most 'fragile' schools — an attempt to provide the new benefit where it most was needed to help with academics, attendance and mental health issues."
Supt. Carvalho moves ahead with troubled AI effort despite collapse of tech LAUSD unplugged chatbot after collapse of company that created it, but Carvalho says other features remain to help students. Most schools don't yet have it.
"District officials said Ed was rolled out initially this spring to the district’s 100 most 'fragile' schools — an attempt to provide the new benefit where it most was needed to help with academics, attendance and mental health issues."
Supt. Carvalho moves ahead with troubled AI effort despite collapse of tech LAUSD unplugged chatbot after collapse of company that created it, but Carvalho says other features remain to help students. Most schools don't yet have it.
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We need the higher ed media to better describe what's at stake here. These are not "reforms," they're an authoritarian takeover. They're not "bold" or "sweeping," they're undemocratic and fascist. These aren't normal policy recommendations, they're a dismantling of higher education!
How Project 2025 could radically reshape higher The sweeping conservative blueprint for a second Trump administration would dismantle the Education Department, privatize student loans and end all ongoing Title IX investigations. Critics say it’s a ...
I'm with understand practices like planning lessons and grading as fundamental to teaching; embrace the messiness of learning; and refuse the AI FOMO.
The venture capitalist enthusiasm for AI in education should make us inherently suspicious. How they talk about education should be a blaring klaxon to do the opposite of what they advocate.
Embracing AI means abandoning The “queen of the internet” is full of something…
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A Luddite Praxis is about organizing our collective response to new tech, like "AI", that will determine it's trajectory for how it will be used for the future. So if we want a more "ethical AI", if such a thing is possible, we need to make the collective demand for just that.
Helps explain the desire for the chatbot to succeed: it was "the property of the school district, which was set to receive 2% in royalty payments from AllHere 'should other school districts seek to use the tool to benefit their families and students.'"
L.A. Schools Probe Charges its Hyped, Now-Defunct AI Chatbot Misused Student LAUSD investigators interviewed a former head software engineer who exposed privacy flaws at ed tech company AllHere.