
Okay, but what was the “correct answer supposed to be for “how would you feel if you lose?” It was a stupid question to ask in the first place, because even if he said “well, I wouldn’t stage an insurrection, for starters” the fainting couch set would be freaking out.
I hope they will let today be the Last Day of the Debate. A mistake to do, so don't keep making it. Let focus go back to Trump and the Supreme Court, abortion, all the things the Republicans were glad to not talk about for a week
I’m so sick of this news cycle. Can I please get more focus on “credible child rape accusations against the other candidate, who also consistently shows even more signs of dementia?”
and his pals wrote a plan for his second term that’s equal parts Taliban and Juche?
what I think somehow irks me even more than how they don't care that it threatens *everything* is that the focus is out of pure laziness. It can be all op-ed from people we've never even heard of before and the only reason to worry is because the other candidate IS Trump, a perfect shitstorm
It is, unfortunately, incumbent upon Biden to do so. If I were him, I'd get a cognitive test. If it turns up negative, you publish the results for everyone to see and say "See? I'm fine. We're not talking about this anymore." If it's positive, it gives you an off-ramp to leave w/public sympathy.
I don't think there's anything they can do to satisfy the NYT/CNN bloodlust on this, it just Streisand-Effects every time they answer it. Probably all you can do is send a CIA guy to threaten the Fed Chair to lower interest rates so everyone will chase that