
If you're spending huge amounts of time and effort to be wrong about something, consider that there's probably a simple heuristic you could be using that is (1) close enough to right, and (2) involves way less effort. This doesn't fix the problem if you're just stupid, though.
Orange Man Bad explains far more than many comparative politics PhDs care to admit
There are literally millions of middle-aged women in America who correctly processed that Orange Man Bad in 2015-6 and have been acting like it. That's where Democratic overperformance is coming from. If you're still arrayed against this group, it's because you are stupid.
And as far as physical courage, etc. goes - yeah no I'm going with someone who grew a human being inside her and pushed it out of her vagina over a dude who thinks he'd look cool cosplaying as Che Guevara.
My middle-aged mom friends were the ones climbing through the windows of the Wisconsin State Capitol to occupy it in protest of the Governor’s anti-union laws. At least the ones that had babysitters (I didn’t).