Hey Carrie Ann

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Hey Carrie Ann


Not very good at any of this. Extremely Midwestern. I follow for Wisconsin content. AuDHD. Am probably missing the joke. She/they/Dude

Banner photo is Lake Monona from the Monona Terrace in Madison, Wisconsin, on a glorious June day. PFP by my kid 🏳️‍⚧️
My friend Dr Davis has a new reaching gig and has some book needs. You should buy kids some books!
www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/... if anybody is feeling flush, here's my booklist for the fall. The school has a good budget but the less I'm digging at it, the better.
Check out my list on Amazonwww.amazon.com
Orville Peck singing the first verse of Midnight Ride is my number one aphrodisiac.
Or really, six chapsticks scattered in drawers at home with one chapstick cap in my purse
So the good news is no polyps but the weird news is that I have something called a “tortuous colon” and boy howdy they aren’t wrong.
I spent the Bush years getting paid to help families who lived in shelters or their cars move into new, clean big apartments where everything worked - and stay there. It was an incredible privilege and while this kind of work is often infuriating, it feels amazing to be *useful* in these times.
Get yourself a prison pen pal. Humanize someone that the government has worked so hard to dehumanize. Massive fight against fascism win. Do a book drive for people in jail or prison, if you're in a state where they are still allowed to receive books. Education is power.
Quick, I want my propofol back.
Make a band bready Buns n Roses
Make a band bready Hootie & the Poolish
Making sure I have an adequate amount of ginger cat hair on my new clothes. He’s super-helpful.
The non-terminally-online Dems I know are perfectly happy to vote for Biden, because of stuff like this. This whole discourse is bizarre to me.
Bringing back Roe with a full-throated endorsement of first trimester abortion, more climate action like the IRA, student loans, and several other marquis issues in line with the Sanders 2020 promises. He's not a damp waffle, and if you read the transcript, it's exciting stuff!
One of my kids has had literally dozens of surgical procedures that permanently altered their body, but were not necessary to save their life. Yet because they were orthopedic, no one has ever questioned our decisions, nor our right to make them.
23 bottom surgeries a year and to put puberty blockers and hormones in perspective, the most recommended treatments beyond social transition, is only about ~1200 patients for puberty blockers a year out of ~50k kids seeking gender related care and less than 3000 patients receive hormones
I am going to spend Monday sedated for various routine medical scoping procedures, and I think I timed that beautifully.
I cannot read contemporary romance about “high-powered” businesspeople without hearing Vincent Adultman. “I went to stock market today. I did a business!”
How is this about “protecting children” when these provisions apply to college students - nearly all of whom are legal adults? Of course, the answer is that none of this actually about protecting children. www.dispatch.com/story/news/p...
Ohio House passes bill to restrict bathroom use for transgender studentswww.dispatch.com The legislation approved Wednesday would require K-12 and college students to use bathrooms and locker rooms that match their sex at birth.
Every time I start to drift off to sleep, my burn starts to hurt like hell again. I feel ridiculous complaining about it because it’s so small but it honestly feels like someone is torching me with one of those wood-burning pens over and over again.
I nearly set my disabled kid’s bed on fire tonight. While they were in it. I am alternating between feeling revved up and crashing, and I have a very painful partial-thickness burn on one finger, but my kids and pets are safe and my house is intact. It was really scary to see the flames, though.
Another week where I only know what day it is because of the labels on my pill sorter
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Just saw a white guy with dreadlocks crash his unicycle. It’s the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me
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I literally warned y'all about exactly this kind of harmful outcome from GPT integrations, & even told you *why/how* it'd happen. And if it's showing in résumé sorting, then bet it's about break as having been happening in patient portals & police reports & lending application sorters & on & on & on
“UW researchers found that ChatGPT consistently ranked resumes with disability-related honors and credentials — such as the ‘Tom Wilson Disability Leadership Award’ — lower than the same resumes without those honors and credentials.”
ChatGPT is biased against resumes with credentials that imply a disability — but it can improvewww.washington.edu UW researchers found that ChatGPT consistently ranked resumes with disability-related honors and credentials — such as the “Tom Wilson Disability Leadership Award” — lower than the same...
Reposted byAvatar Hey Carrie Ann
This belongs here
Reading all the drama going on around here over the last few days has reminded me how glad I am to be an Old Person
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Reposted byAvatar Hey Carrie Ann
would you like to see my favorite letter i've ever found in our records? it's from 1925 and i think about it every day of my life
Had I known about the field of historic preservation when I was 18, it’s probably the career I would have chosen. That said, the destruction of public art and landmarks as public protest is not new nor is it invalid because you don’t agree with the targets. Were the Suffragettes dipshits?
No difference at all between the candidates. None. /s
Yeah, this seems worth avoiding.
This is why you always do a dry run before you go
My stepdad’s radiation treatments didn’t work. Today is not a good day.
I may be writing romance, but historical accuracy is still important to me