
I am once again smelling the smell that nobody else can smell and frankly I have to wonder if this is because I am literally crazy. I hear things sometimes. Do I smell them too? This is so frustrating.
My “favorite” is when I smell the smell and spend so much time sniffing it out that I stop smelling it and then I wonder if it’s actually gone or my nose just got tired
Yeah. And other people are quick with suggestions! Oh, it's the heat kicking on (it's the middle of summer, the furnace isn't even turned on), it's someone outside smoking (it doesn't smell like cigarettes or pot), it's this, it's that, it's your carpet. I've smelled it at restaurants.
And it's one of those things where I can ALMOST identify what it is! Like it's a specific thing! But I can't, all I can come up with is what it reminds me of. It reminds me of hot plastic, but it isn't hot plastic. Or glue, but it's not glue. It's not quite burnt dust.
Ugh Then I start wondering if it’s ON me
I sometimes wonder if it's in my nose or in my sinus cavity, especially as I can smell it sometimes while wearing my cpap! But it doesn't smell like sickness, if you know what I mean. It smells dry if, again, you know what I mean.
Oh THAT smell It’s definitely an internal “nose is being weird” smell