Brigid Keely She/Her

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Brigid Keely She/Her

Chicago. Parent. Fat. Bisexual. Bipolar II. Kind of cute if you squint. Nerdy, but in a way that's fairly socially acceptable now. Easily excitable.

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One more thing. This is why so many Black users have stayed on X despite, long before the discourse noticed his awfulness, having nicknamed Musk “Apartheid Clyde.” People go where their people are, they migrate for community. (I know “community” has been a hard to grasp concept on here.)
Bouie may no longer be the “young” I mean here, but consider, when ordinary Black users see people they look up to and respect like Tressie, Jamelle, and Lydia flea because of harassment and racism, are they inspired to think this is a worthy or cool place for them? 2/?
a lot of people with disabilities also post amazon wishlists for essentials because SSDI puts severe limitations on income and cash gifts. i won't be shopping on amazon for myself but there are situations i'll absolutely use it.
It's almost "Prime Day". If you look on your favorite shelter's website or instagram you might find that they have an amazon wishlist and that many of their items might be on sale. I hate amazon, I definitely encourage people to shop local whenever possible, but I'm just putting the info out there.
Fuck summer, I’m wearing black & listening to dark music today.
We were traveling once & my mom poured some water into the dog’s travel dish. Poor thing kept sneezing as she lapped it up. It was seltzer water. Poor baby. She was a Good Girl.
me: there's a bit in hillbilly elegy where he spits out sparkling water because he doesn't know it will be carbonated my husband, sympathetically: i've known some dogs that do that
Anyone who grew up poor who wants to tell you that people are poor because they just aren't trying hard enough, or, worse, that they "like it that way" is not someone you should want to sit next to. Perhaps you should throw them out of the bus. When it's moving. On a freeway. Who am I to say.
some of my friends are in a new band, they're called "Stress Test" they are thrash metal punk. i absolutely cannot stand thrash metal punk but i love and support my friends so i'm sharing this in the hopes one of you will listen to and enjoy their technically very skilled music on my behalf
what i would like as a change is for people getting involved in a discourse involving a person on here to go: what is my goal here? what is likely to happen? if a bunch of people behaved like i'm doing, would it be useful?
TIL I have a Wikipedia entry
Truly an amazing sentence: “Their propensity for unruly behavior exceeds that of captive skunks, and they are even less trustworthy when allowed to roam freely.” (Wikipedia)
After a shitton of research I could finally say that the few people who have studied it are *pretty* confident a lot of photosensitive migraine from screen viewing has nothing to do with brightness or color contrast and it is 100% a function of the ratio between line height and line length
Same goes for "contests." Much cheaper for a company to pay $1000 to one of a thousand contestants than to pay $5k for one commissioned artist.
Cannot emphasize enough, never do work for “exposure.” Not only is your time worth something, but if the company is making money, you should be making money, too.
I’m in a bunch of discords and subreddits for queer and single people pursing IVF and the number of people who are rushing to conceive before January in case Trump takes office is not zero, I’ll tell you that.
There is an ongoing harmful problem with racism in queer spaces & communities- and the same in disability circles & feminist groups etc., it’s not unique to queer communities. But unless the white people involved are actively doing antiracist work that racism will remain.
Metra train doors closed in my face (not a complaint, they are on a strict schedule that would be delayed if they held the door for every dork who was running late) so I have to wait for the next one. I hope it’s not too crowded, that I can get a seat. My skin condition is flaring & I’m exhausted.
I ran to catch a train, fell, and dramatically altered the course of my health. The next train was less than ten minutes away.
quote post this with a really foolish injury one time, I broke my heel trying to do some kinda 3/4 assisted front-flip, barefoot, on a wooden floor, that I had seen Jackie Chan do in Rush Hour 2
...there are a lot of things Tumblr has done that seem useful to point at when saying "and here is why we don't do *that*"
Knock down the house next to me & put in a pool.
if you won a million dollars what would be the first ridiculous thing you'd buy? something silly and pretty and fun for yourself. it can be small. I'd buy a hot pink e-bike or vespa, and give it pink marabou streamers.
Funny thing. I posted a backer update about being happy that the Esquire list included writers working in this century, like NK Jemisin & Becky Chambers Then 3 dudes immediately cancelled their pledges. I suspect they would not have liked my book. Also, we still unlocked the next stretch goal.
People who are assuring us that this means Trump is going to win are clearly unfamiliar with the deeply weird lore of this country's THREE mid-seventies presidential-candidate assassination attempts.
JD Vance 2016: Trump is America's Hitler (pejorative) JD Vance 2024: Trump is America's Hitler (complimentary)
Using they/them pronouns when you know someone uses other pronouns is actively misgendering them as much as calling someone with they/them pronouns “he” or “she” is.
Hi, gentle reminder that if you *know* a trans or nonbinary person’s pronouns, and those pronouns *aren’t* they/them, you don’t get, like, partial credit for using they/them pronouns for that person. There are no “all-purpose” pronouns, sadly.
If I publish 1 book a year for 3 years of Starstruck Mulaney, interstellar detective, and her Hiderbaxian sidekicks Mongo, Mungo, and Mango, and then someone publishes a 4th book before I can... that affects my ability to earn a living. If they start selling patches and pins before I can? Same.
an underrated plus of living in Boston is that absolutely no one believes this
People, I beg of you, please stop assuming someone who went to an Ivy is smart
Also I think we can dispense with the “he’s on vacation” because he’s posting pretty consistently on Threads now. Good work white posters, driving off two progressive Black columnists with national reach. You did it!
Back from another enjoyable Readercon weekend. Checked all the reports this morning and while we were there, the subscriber goal inched to within 200. We're now 191 subscribers away from what we had before Amazon ended their subscription program.
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Hey media folks, please spread far and wide: The Boston Globe is hiring a TV critic. Probably doesn't need to be said but these job openings are hella rare these days. Heartening to see this gig is available, pls let folks know TVsky! :
TV Critic - Boston Globe Media Partners - Career The Boston Globe seeks a full-time TV critic to join our staff