Lindsay M. Chervinsky

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Lindsay M. Chervinsky

Presidential historian. Writer. Speaker. Dog mom. Author of *Making the Presidency: John Adams and the Precedents That Forged the Republic*, *The Cabinet*, co-editor of *Mourning the Presidents*.
As Project 2025 gains more attention, it's worth remembering we used to have a spoils system. President Rutherford B. Hayes pursued federal civil service reform, including the removal of Chester Arthur as head of the NYC Customs House, which was advertised #OTD in 1878.
In the midst of this political dumpster fire, I talked with Olivia Waxman at TIME about the new Kevin Costner western that just dropped. It's set in the Civil War West - but you wouldn't really know it. #shocker #skystorians #AmWest 🗃️
The Real Civil War History Behind Kevin Costner's Horizon is set in the Civil War era. A historian explains what was going on in the Western U.S. during that time.
I got to record my audiobook this week. It was way more fun, much harder, and far more rewarding than I could have possibly anticipated. I've been wanting to do this for years and I'm so grateful I had the opportunity to share my words exactly how I envisioned them.
In June 1940, FDR nominated Republicans Henry Stimson and Frank Knox as secretary of state & war, creating one of the only true bipartisan cabinets. With participation in WWII on the horizon, he selected Stimson and Knox in the name of national unity & to undercut isolationists.
#OTD in 1963, Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson spent Memorial Day at Gettysburg. In his address, he connected the sacrifice of Union soldiers during the Civil War to the ongoing Civil Rights Movement, which he vigorously supported during his presidency.
In late May 1789, John Adams informed Abigail that he had rented his first VP residence. He called Richmond Hill "a large and handsome house, in a beautiful Situation, about two miles out of the City," but promised “I will resign my office rather than bring you here to be miserable.” ❤️
#ICYMI, for this month's Imperfect Union, I wrote about a jaunt to Amsterdam and how it inspired some thoughts about the international diplomatic networks in the eighteenth-century. Check your inboxes or subscribe today. Link below!
You know that viral thread of people next to their doppelgängers in old portraits? I found mine.
On Monday, I spoke with David Rubenstein at the New-York Historical Society about my forthcoming book, *Making the Presidency*. The audience was so warm and receptive and it was so fun to share this work after years of thinking about it. Can’t wait for more soon.
#OTD in 1796, Fisher Ames gave a speech in Congress in support of the Jay Treaty. Vice President John Adams described it as “one of the best Speeches he ever produced,” even though Ames was “scarcely able to stand upon his legs.” His speech was credited for swinging House support behind the treaty.
The Framers and founding generation couldn’t predict the future. They weren’t convinced that the government they created would last, as demonstrated by John Adams’s comments #OTD in 1796.
On this month's Imperfect Union, I wrote an ode to the Library on first, shared some of my favorite spots, pictures I took as a fellow, and some history. Check your inbox or subscribe today!
#OTD in 1927, the first US long-distance demonstration of television took place. Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover proclaimed: "Human genius has now destroyed the impediment of distance in a new respect, and in a manner hitherto unknown." Full clip:
Ten years ago today, we brought home this tiny ball of terror. He’s been everywhere with us and the most life-shaping decision we’ve ever made.
#OTD in 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson bypassed the governor and called up the Alabama National Guard to supervise the civil rights march from Selma to Montgomery, almost two weeks after protestors were attacked during the ‘Bloody Sunday’ march.
#OTD in 1987, President Ronald Reagan proclaimed March to be a national Women’s History Month “to honor the achievements of American women.” Here’s a look at some women’s history moments in March.
On this month's Imperfect Union, I explored the history of repeat election matchups. Some unique facts, lots of interesting parallels, and some elements worth remembering for our current moment. Check your inboxes or subscribe today!
Inauguration day, four years apart. #OTD in 1797 and 1801, John Adams experienced two very different days.
I’m having to work really hard not to fight with this person. Of all the things in the world that are overhyped, dogs are at the bottom of the list.
#OTD in President Franklin D. Roosevelt's administration. A few examples of March 1 over the years.
Paging historians (🗃️ is this the right one?): Does anyone have a copy of *Washington's End* by Horn and can check a footnote for me?
It was a delight to review Katie Roger's new book for the Los Angeles Review of Books! I knew about the straightjacket that is the position of the First Lady, but I really enjoyed learning about the recent individuals who have lived that life. Highly recommend!
A Host of Demands: On Katie Rogers’s “American Woman” | Los Angeles Review of Lindsay Chervinsky reviews Katie Rogers’s “American Woman: The Transformation of the Modern First Lady, from Hillary Clinton to Jill Biden.”...
Most of the time, I’m pretty optimistic despite *everything.* Today I’m feeling pretty dark.
It takes 4 justices to take a case. This will delay Trump's trial until the summer/fall at least. I think it suggests Trump has 4 justices at least open to his total immunity claim. In the least, he definitely has 4 justices who are happy to block his trial from taking place before the election.
[email protected] is one of the leading voices insisting we support Ukraine. I'm grateful to contribute to the conversation. We've been the arsenal of democracy before, and it was good for us and good for our allies. It's time to embrace that role again.
The ‘Arsenal of Democracy’ Once In sending military aid to Ukraine, America’s values and security interests are aligned.
Happy Washington's Birthday (officially recognized)! While many have viewed this letter as an example of Adams's bitterness, I think it's an accurate description. Washington was keenly aware of the importance of the symbolic elements of public presentation, and few better managed these moments.
Day 7: #OTD in 1801, the House cast its 36th ballot, electing Thomas Jefferson as the third President of the United States. Burr became the second vice president. Two weeks later, Jefferson took the oath of office, completing the peaceful transfer of power.
Day 6: #OTD in 1801, Rep. James A. Bayard of Delaware wrote to his father-in-law, explaining his plans for the following day. Delaware was a critical state because Bayard was the only representative in the House. As a result, his vote swung the state in the balloting process.
The world is a dark place, so for this month's Imperfect Union, I shared one of the constant joys of my book. Rather than highlighting the famous letters of John and Abigail Adams, I focus on the mundane elements of daily love. I hope it brings you joy!
A Love There is no doubt 2024 is going to be an intense year and there will be many months I write about history, politics, law, and democracy. But I thought it might be nice to have at least one month with ...