Gil Duran

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Gil Duran

California journalist and writer. Ida Tarbell stan. FrameLab (w/@GeorgeLakoff). Beat: tech fascism, billionaire extremism, meta narratives, network state, mirror worlds.
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Violent language invites violence. Such language changes brains and can result in real consequences. And no one has done more to inject violent language into our politics than Donald Trump. Analysis w/
Donald Trump and the language of No one has done more to frame American politics in violent terms
Political violence is unacceptable in a democracy. And no one has done more to inject violence into our political discourse than Donald Trump. After July 13, will he change his strategy, or just become more extreme? My analysis with
Donald Trump and the language of No one has done more to frame American politics in violent terms
Very few political reporters have any idea how ideology works. This results in befuddled or superficial coverage that leaves readers confused or uninformed about key issues. Case in point: Elon Musk. and I wrote this in December 2022: ➡️
#NetworkState guru Balaji Srinivasan - who wants to purge Democrats from San Francisco - will screen his new film tonight ... in Oakland. Did the techno-authoritarian "Gray Tribe" just get its ass kicked out of SF? A minor investigation... #SFDeepTech
'Deep Tech': Balaji fails San Francisco smoke The Network State 'Gray' tribe slouches toward Oakland
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"leftists like Radley Balko" If opposition to a 400K-man deportation force to expel 12 million people, causing a massive humanitarian crisis, shredding families, spiking inflation, and sending the economy spiraling into depression is "leftism" ... I guess I'm a leftist.
Tech authoritarians want to take over government for the same reason that criminals rob banks: That's where the $ is. Musk, Thiel and others pose as “libertarian,” but they're HUGELY dependent "techno-contractors" guzzling public dollars via govt contracts
How Techno-Libertarians Fell in Love with Big Government | by Quinn Slobodian - Project Quinn Slobodian argues Silicon Valley investors are against the state only insofar as it is not enriching them personally.
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San Francisco's David Sacks -- champion of the Drug War, opponent of Harm Reduction, supporter of Trump and ... an investor in a massive online pill mill that just got busted for $100 million fraud and is responsible for multiple overdose deaths
SF startup CEO and president arrested in $100M illegal drug Prosecutors allege that Done Global execs Ruthia He and David Brody sold 40 million pills of stimulants like Adderall, Vyvanse and Ritalin through their platform with few guardrails, leading to the ov...
A sobering Letter to the Editor re my San Francisco Chronicle piece on right-wing tech plutocrats masking their extremism with bland labels
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Brain Change is Social Change
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Some voters are confused about their moral identity and have trouble deciding. Much effort goes into persuading these swing voters to pick a side. The strategy often involves masking extreme GOP policies as "moderate." More at FrameLab w/
George Lakoff: 'Moderate' label masks authoritarian The mythical 'middle' does not exist
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Tamales may be 10,000 years old. They’re one of the earliest know human dishes.
Do we know when tamales originated?
Tamales Calientitos — Archaeology
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INCREDIBLE piece on extremist Silicon Valley types trying to take over SF & other cities and "denazify" by pushing out Dems - the media in '24 election calls them "moderates." gift link below:
Words like "moderate" and "centrist" are weasel words with no clear meanings. In San Francisco, they mask the *extreme* politics of tech figures who increasingly align with authoritarian Donald Trump. Read my op-ed in the Gift Link:
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I feel like if your thesis is that everything is totally different from 8 years ago then maybe you should check and see what things were like eight years ago
Words like "moderate" and "centrist" are weasel words with no clear meanings. In San Francisco, they mask the *extreme* politics of tech figures who increasingly align with authoritarian Donald Trump. Read my op-ed in the Gift Link:
The reason why supposedly "moderate" crypto bros/tech VCs all seem one tax break/ayahuasca trip/coup from going full MAGA fascist: It's been lurking inside them all along. Self-interest made it necessary to appear sane & "not racist." Now the incentive is to go "mask off"
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The Nerd Reich
San Francisco political boss Garry Tan is boosting a conspiracy theory about George Soros and ... ME! That doesn't seem weird or antisemitic at all! Also: My newsletter on tech authoritarian politics has a new name: THE NERD REICH read & subscribe! (free)
Y Combinator CEO boosts 'Soros' conspiracy Garry Tan veers off into alt-right conspiracy theory
San Francisco political boss Garry Tan is boosting a conspiracy theory about George Soros and ... ME! That doesn't seem weird or antisemitic at all! Also: My newsletter on tech authoritarian politics has a new name: THE NERD REICH read & subscribe! (free)
Y Combinator CEO boosts 'Soros' conspiracy Garry Tan veers off into alt-right conspiracy theory
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Reposted byAvatar Gil Duran
Highly recommend listening to this discussion. Gil Duran is doing important accountability journalism on this urgent subject—TechTitans seeking to colonize existing cities (notably, my hometown, SF), or build new ones designed to suit their vision of an anti-democratic society.
As San Francisco tech authoritarians line up behind Trump to create a "unified Reich," I talk to @parismarx about Balaji Srinivasan's terrifying vision for the city... A color-coded police state apartheid system where Blues (Democrats) are banished and persecuted.👂⬇️
Y Combinator CEO Garry Tan apologized for tweeting "die slow" at San Francisco politicians in January. But he continues to flirt with political violence on social media. Is this a case of Small Man Syndrome, or something far more sinister? ⚠️ My analysis:
Garry Tan and the violent edge in SF Bay Area Is this a case of 'Small Man Syndrome,' or something more sinister?
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My favorite one yet.
As San Francisco tech authoritarians line up behind Trump to create a "unified Reich," I talk to @parismarx about Balaji Srinivasan's terrifying vision for the city... A color-coded police state apartheid system where Blues (Democrats) are banished and persecuted.👂⬇️
Balaji Srinivasan is leading a growing tech movement to take over San Francisco and “ethnically cleanse” it of Silicon Valley’s critics. This week joins to discuss network states and tech’s turn against democracy.
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Balaji Srinivasan is leading a growing tech movement to take over San Francisco and “ethnically cleanse” it of Silicon Valley’s critics. This week joins to discuss network states and tech’s turn against democracy.
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In Balaji’s vision for San Francisco, tech-aligned Grays will be in charge after making an alliance with the police. They’ll use that power to evict Blues (meaning liberals and leftists) from the city. Great to talk to about why we can’t ignore tech’s anti-democratic fantasies.
Balaji Srinivasan is leading a growing tech movement to take over San Francisco and “ethnically cleanse” it of Silicon Valley’s critics. This week joins to discuss network states and tech’s turn against democracy.
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HERE'S WHY TRUMP IS FLOATING NAZISM and remind us there are no accidents when it comes to Trump’s social media strategy. Wake up to what you can do to help save democracy every day at
'Unified Reich': Trump campaign goes full Donald Trump's campaign adopts Nazi framing, again
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Trump is telling us exactly what he plans to do if he gets another term. He is framing his return to power as an authoritarian effort, and he is overtly using Nazi language and symbolism to drive home the point. More at FrameLab with
'Unified Reich': Trump campaign goes full Donald Trump's campaign adopts Nazi framing, again