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🔹Artist, writer and graphic designer from Finland

I don't post art here anymore but I'm on dA and Sheezy as @skudde!

🔞 My art is mostly SFW but I interact with artists whose is not and engage in adult topics 🔞
Being a fat person with an eating disorder is extremely draining. Probably part of the reason I've been absolutely burnt out recently. Asthma makes it hard to exercise, sleep apnea makes it hard to get rest, and both of those conditions could improve with lower body fat. But weight control kills.
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Oh my GOD
God it sucks that this place has gotten big enough to have the "Bots that reply or DM any post with this word in it" problem
I got to revenge this by making a feral jackal Lella :D Would have loved to design him along with Ashen honestly but I have no clue what Ashen could look like in animal form hngh :'D
My first attack was a friendly fire at! This dino was just too cute, and honestly I wanted to see if my rusty kukuri drawing skills would be of any help with it haha. // #art #artfight
My first attack was a friendly fire at! This dino was just too cute, and honestly I wanted to see if my rusty kukuri drawing skills would be of any help with it haha. // #art #artfight
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Oh yeah, I'm joining Artfight for the first time this year! I prioritize people I know, but cool OCs will get on my hitlist as well~ #artfight
My husband got me a Wonder Artistic Models stego for my bday and I finally assembled it today! The spare parts saved me, since I clumsily broke three little connector pieces. It's really awesome looking though and will have a high spot on the shelf so our cats can't get to it hehe.
Why are you LGBTQ+ wrong answers only They didn't invite me to the meeting where they assigned Gender (TM) and Sexuality (TM) so I ended up ace and nonbinary. Happens to a lot of folks apparently so I don't feel too bad about it.
Why are you LGBTQ+ wrong only I didn't have my glasses on so I accidentally pressed the bi button instead of the billion euros button.
Some of the worst stress symptoms of my life last night and today. From stomach twisting to nausea. From lack of appetite to full blown nausea. From being jittery to convulsions. I'm so exhausted...
Went back to New Pokemon Snap like I felt the urge to. Two hours later, I think I've had my fill. Playing it again reminded me that once you hardcore a game you can't go casual anymore. And NSnap is exactly the kind of game that you need a guide to even complete. Unfort, but moving on.
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Happy pride all!Pride themed Chibi YCH! only 15€, get something cute for cheap! Can edit the background, the species and the plushie they're hugging- could be your partner's sona for example! Big edits +5€ #furry #ych #commission
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I want to return to New Pokemon Snap... You can really tell I'm feeling the pressure of two big artwork deadlines this month when urge to return to laddering for global high scores in a rail shooter photography game hits me out of nowhere.
Last night I had a dream where someone had made a video essay about Verno. <'D Goals tbh, but I woke up laughing because the image of the thumbnail in my recommendations was just too much. I tried to recreate it here for yall to laugh at with me
STOP ✋ If you are reading this, you've reached a Pokémon check point. You're now obligated to share your favorite Pokémon. It's hard to pick between Mega Ampharos, Ambipom and Blaziken, but the battle rooster has been my fave the longest so let's go with that one.
STOP ✋ If you are reading this, you've reached a Pokémon check point. You're now obligated to share your favorite Pokémon.
Reminder to users of Photoshop (or other adobe products): You can block the app from accessing the internet from your firewall, preventing them from using your work for their AI training nonsense. The tradeoff is their cloud and ai services, but I'm sure artists can live without them.
I don't really post art here nowadays but in celebration of pride month I want to share my freshly finalized lesbian blorbos :3 They've both been 80% done for a while but at last I completed them and even edited their new ears onto their cute couple art from last year. Soari brain go brrrrrrrr~
I started a new anxiety medication a few days ago and for the past 3 nights I haven't had any symptoms nor have I needed pills to sleep through the night. For the first time in 5 months. I refuse to think antidepressants can work that quickly but it feels unreal and amazing at the same time.
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Comic update time! Links below
Writing permissions for OCs on artfight is like handing a doll to a friend at school and telling them what they can and cannot do with it.
Oh yeah I'm joining Artfight this year! My profile is a bit unfinished still but I'll try to get things wrapped up for June
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hiii reminder i have c/ommis/sions open!! anything helps pay for stuff like rent and essentials each month and is super appreciated <3 i love to draw for you guys!! boosts appreciated!! <33
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All of these twitter artists coming here, praising it for not being twitter, but then talking about twitter drama at least once a week. I think we'd be much better off if you stopped using bsky as a place to air your dirty laundry from another website. Just saying.
One of our cats, Yams, is not eating this morning. She is the type where you need to watch your fingers when giving her breakfast, because she might get impatient and just bite through the bag you're holding. Suffice to say I'm worried and hope it's nothing too severe.
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The funniest thing to ever happen to me online is when I called out a terf on tumblr and got anon hate saying "you will never be a real woman". I guess the inspiration came from my profile that says she/they, but little did they know I'm nonbinary and afab pffffff
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A little late to the party as I forgot about this thread but thanks for the share! Hi! I'm Seri, #TransArtist (he/they) from Finland. I like to draw OCs (animals, anthros and humanoids) & comics and I've some transgender characters also.
Made this post on Sheezy thinking about people who apologize for drawing the same character all the time. Stop doing that. You're better off when you're a little in love with a fictional guy. And watching that from the outside is the best. It's a win-win. Full post:
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♪⁽⁽٩( ᐖ )۶⁾⁾ RAFFLE TIME ₍₍٩( ᐛ )۶₎₎♪ 🌻 Repost and comment a ref of your OC with a random fact about them to join! 🌻 Following is not necessary, do it only if you enjoy my art 🌻 Winner gets picked on May 18th 🌻 If we reach 300 I'll bake you a cookie If I forgot something I'll add it to a replyyyy