
time and time again people are confused that the content they see is directly related to the people they follow and that they’re absolutely lost navigating the internet without an algorithm force feeding them lowest common denominator dreck
Please help, who are the funny people I should follow
Here. Follow this thread. I compiled a huge list of the funny people on Bluesky. Their names/acounts are linked throughout this thread.
HEY, BLUETOPIA? I'm gonna try something new with my FUNNY PEOPLE OF BLUESKY aggregator today. If it doesn't work as well, I'll go back to making 28 separate posts... But today, I'm going to post them ALL in COMMENTS attached to this post. Click the Pic and read the ALT Text
Amazing. I followed everyone in the first two or three and may come back to finish
me: time to sleep brain: why are they called armadillos when they don't have arms me: please shut the fuck up brain: should be legadillos