Jesse Raub

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Jesse Raub

writer and coffee professional, formerly at Serious Eats, stuff in HAD, Vulture, Polygon, and other places:
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okay yeah well sure then what are these? dumbass
Reposted byAvatar Jesse Raub
twenty thousand former teenage shitheads started pumping their fist in unison
“sonic the hedgehog was actually based on a famous hungarian jeweler named zlobic zlabogog who once fell when running down the street spilling his gold rings everywhere” my dad sending me this instagram post via instagram DM: is this true
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hey honey, guess who got off work early— (immediately noticing an “Investigate” prompt on the closet door) what the heck??
i don’t remember what this was
butt chuckley and the big bill throwers
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the turning point in the french elections was mbappe embracing the ninja turtle allegations and putting on the mask
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I can’t explain how fucked up it is that Threads created a more hostile atmosphere to the New York Times than we did. Tony the Tiger brand humping website just beat our asses.
Wow. has closed their Threads account and left the platform after days of getting just shredded in the replies for their handling of Biden post debate. Now they're getting dog piled on Instagram for running from Threads.
butt chuckley and the big bill throwers
all we need is a prominent australian to go on CBS and say “jaur by-din” and i think we can wrap this all up by lunch
twenty thousand former teenage shitheads started pumping their fist in unison
Reposted byAvatar Jesse Raub
im at the breakfast of champions and im naming like 5 things so far you did that no one here has heard of
okay yeah well sure then what are these? dumbass
Reposted byAvatar Jesse Raub
they never should have allowed minnesotans to get money worst kind of rich
Reposted byAvatar Jesse Raub
destroyer-class uncle
just ripped a huge fart holding my baby niece we’ve gone full tilt uncle
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everyone is saying “biden this” and “biden that” buddy, i’m “biden” my time until you shut up about that old man!!!
Reposted byAvatar Jesse Raub
they need to update more songs for the modern era for example johnny lee’s 1995 “lookin’ for love (in all the wrong places)” could be “horny for sex (on the internet)”
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in real life when a piano falls on your head you'd be lucky if even just one or two keys became your teeth
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hope that bean dad learned his lesson. give your kid more beans or whatever it was. less maybe. would hate to find out he's still doing the bad thing he did about beans
hang on a minute do people actually think kamala harris is to the left of joe biden is that what’s happening right now uh oh
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Tremendous shout out to sincerely one of the coolest Quora dudes and answers I ever saw. It didn’t solve my immediate problem but I think his unapologetic matter-of-fact attitude improved me in a profound way. He gets right down to brass tacks. He talks like a shop teacher
to be honest i’m not too worried about a guy who has “senior moments” being president i’m worried about those types of guys operating forklifts is joe biden operating forklifts if not then hey let’s go who cares
has joe biden considered holding a beer summit between himself and his fading cognitive functions
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my dog the minute he gets out of the bath
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sean spelled shawn • @VDLenin sorry for the Serious Post but i really wanted to say how much i appreciate how supportive everyone has been since my uncle hung himself last month. it's meant so much to me. i love you guys | Hanged Not Hung • @hangedBot *hanged
here’s the really gross super mansion lake house that we’re staying at this week. just being inside it makes me feel a bit disgusted at the levels of wealth achievable in the united states!
a lot of people are failing to see the humor in the mental decline of the sitting president and i for one think we should learn how to laugh again 🤣