
Was driving around the "Main Line" a couple weeks ago and kept noticing these weirdly low overpasses. Ah, that's right: this was done to prevent public transit buses from reaching the parks and thereby keep them segregated. But sure, all of that's gone now, they're just nice folks with concerns.
a lot of moderate reactionaries are perpetually engaged in the project of claiming that conservative grievances are not driven by racism, but are in fact practical and legitimate.
Robert Moses did this in NYC and beyond. Is why there’s no easy public transport to JFK.
Apologies in advance, I couldn't resist 😂
Saving for copious future use
I am so, so, so sorry to Greg, it obviously doesn't work with his comment (which is entirely correct), it just popped into my head and I couldn't get it out.
lol was wondering why I had so many notifications! I read that book entirely on subway rides when I lived in the city. It took a full month to finish.
I am currently becoming Caropilled via the 99% Invisible Power Broker bookclub episodes
Hot tip: The LBJ biographies make excellent road trip audiobooks
I just read this chapter last night (of Caro, not Narnia).
Narnia before Aslan was a corrupt land of rotting statues, due to the expensive needs of maintaining a patronage system in a declining economy. Aslan’s carefully written bills & (inaccurate) reputation amongst progressives for being above politics made him well positioned to pursue his agenda when…
So roughly one time through? Lol
The funny thing is the recent revisionism that Caro's claim of racism has no basis in fact. I'm guessing that's part of what you are responding to.