
Queer people: please stop assigning value to yourself or others based on the amount and severity of oppression received. Do you not understand how much power that gives our oppressors and how it incentivizes division?
Let me be real clear before the bad faith squad shows up: I am absolutely not talking about identifying how different groups are oppressed differently/to different degrees, or how multiple marginalizations work. I'm talking about "X isn't queer because they're not oppressed like Y."
If I had a dollar for every time I was told, 'Aces aren't queer. No one knows you don't have sexual attraction, and everyone thinks you're just a cishet not getting laid,' I'd not be rich, but I could buy myself a decent meal.
after enough times of shit like this it really feels like the sowing the division is the point.
It's been 13 months of shit getting stirred and when I go looking for the opening shots it's always the same folks.
And yet good faith readings on the broad strokes shitflinging that ALWAYS catches strays, never runs out!
This is why I developed the bunker. Admittedly I've been more vocal today because shits fucking egregious and people deserve to feel seen and respected and this shit pisses me the fuck off.
always. i can't understand why people still give them oxygen
*shrugs* cuz they like the chaos too and also want reasons to be assholes is my guess.
It all comes down to a choice. Does one let their trauma out on other people because they had to go through it. Or does one decide to do everything they can to NOT put others through shit?
I always think of Anarchist dude whose name I can't remember cuz fuck him he's old and dead and weird but he experienced state oppression ONCE and came out the other side with "it is our duty to abolish God if he allows suffering for a greater good."
I only see people supporting ace/demi here. Either I follow the right people, or I am already blocked 😬