Jessica, Kait's Wife πŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈπŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

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Jessica, Kait's Wife πŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈπŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

Author of books beloved by attractive people with good opinions | under 18 DNI | expired milf | Chicana | Bi | Demi | She/Her

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oh really your underwear company is "all gender inclusive"??? thats funny bcuz my gender cant pay $25 for a single pair of tucking underwear!!! sounds pretty exclusive to me!!!!!!
hey happy friday kakebezi is still $50 short for shelter and has no food help out if you can pls thank you πŸ–€
🚨 urgent ma bump 🚨 kakebezi is living in a refugee camp with their kitten they are sick and sleeping outside in the cold they need $200 to secure shelter in the camp and they also need food send money if ya got it and make sure to boost
Save a transperson in african Refugee camp from Suffering, organized by Mark I am Galkewitsch Mark, a general computer science student fro… Mark Galkewitsch needs your support for Save a transperson in african Refugee camp from Suffering
Biden: "I'm going to give it my all!" Supreme Court: "The president can now do anything and no laws can stop him. He is as a god." Biden: *Meatloaf voice* BUT I WON'T DO THAAAAATTT!
Every lib you've ever met: This is the most important election in the history of this country, and Joe Biden must win or fascism will reign. Even the suggestion that it doesn't matter is ridiculous and dangerous. He needs our full, unwaivering support. Joe Biden:
Every lib you've ever met: This is the most important election in the history of this country, and Joe Biden must win or fascism will reign. Even the suggestion that it doesn't matter is ridiculous and dangerous. He needs our full, unwaivering support. Joe Biden:
The good people know the pandemic is over, they tested, masked, stayed in if ill for they are good people, but that was long ago they no longer do those things if it weren’t over good people might be expected to do something so the pandemic must be over for they are good people.
On that note: Trans authors (I mean authors who are trans, NOT cis people who write about trans people), drop your book links here and I'll try to repost as many as I can throughout the day. Cis people: Repost trans authors' book links. Cis people who want to complain about being excluded: gtfo
Being a trans author is fucking weird right now. Hell is actively unfolding all around us but I still need to be like, "hey, everyone, wanna buy my silly little queer book? It won't make anything better, but it's kinda fun?" So....hey, everyone, wanna buy my silly little queer book?
Not to writer-post too much, but holy fuck revisions are going well. I love the moments where you start falling back in love with the story you wrote.
Sharing for anon(for safety) A disabled, queer migrant needs help.
That shitty moments when I see someone mention a book and think "Oh, I have that one!" and go to look for it and then remember no, I *had* that one but was forced to leave it behind when I fled my abuser.
Good heavens, many of you don’t really understand the nature and impact of power dynamics, do you???
Modern American politics are actually just an elaborate conspiracy to drive The Capitol Steps to suicide.
A wise friend on being subjected to racism/misogyny: "Just because it’s not surprising doesn’t mean it’s not violence."
PSA America It's Ambassador Phantom of Planet Krankor, or (the) Phantom of Krankor. It's not "Krankor" and--I'm begging you here--it is not "The chicken man of Krankor" under any circumstances whatsoever. No. Bad.
Early next month I'm going swimming for the first time since I transitioned, which is huge since swimming was one of my favorite hobbies. It's in a safe environment & I managed to push through swimsuit shopping, so now all I have to do is mentally prepare for being perceived, swimsuit edition.
$10/300 for today. πŸ’•πŸ’Έ Didn't reach the $100 left of the $200 yesterday so added to today. All of this is for my rent and my childcare. $danirockasota V: djamiempls Trying to go the direct sales route over everything so DM me if interested πŸ–€πŸ§‘
the Suporn Clinic has been notified that i accept the date and can make the deposit payment πŸŽ‰ full payment is due 30 days before my surgeryβ€”September 1st to be safe. thank you all for getting me this far πŸ™
Help Fae get Bottom Surgery, organized by Fae Hello, my name is Fae and I’m a transfem lesbian and an indie writer raising funds for bottom sur… Fae Rynn needs your support for Help Fae get Bottom Surgery
I’m sure other places are experiencing bad air quality so remember your mask doesn’t just protect you from respiratory viruses, it also protects you from bad air. Stay safe out there.
Air quality: garbage Okay cool, i will try to avoid going outside today bc of firework pollution.
I would like one damn week on this app where we don't all have to talk about a sex pest. ONE.
I don't know why this is so difficult for some folks, but a person (whether they be a niche internet micro celeb or an actual famous person) turning out to be a piece of shit doesn't magically make everyone who ever opposed them ontologically good.
Looking for a supernatural queer read? πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ F/F friends to lovers πŸ’€ Evil cult serving a fallen god πŸ¦… Weird birds πŸ‘Ό Queers with wings and claws 🌲 Cursed forest 🌎 Lesbians vs god for the fate of reality Ghost Flower by Jessica Conwell Available here:
Disability Pride Month Fund Friday. Drop your funds + links if you need a boost: - Mutual Aid - Abortion - Transition - Medical Bills - Moving - Access Needs - Whatever you need Please make sure you add alt text and make your skeets as accessible as possible. Beware of bots and scammers.
Okay, fine: I'll be Bluesky's new beloved author that everyone is weird to.
June: Buy some trans books to celebrate Pride Month! July: Buy some trans books while that's still allowed!
On that note: Trans authors (I mean authors who are trans, NOT cis people who write about trans people), drop your book links here and I'll try to repost as many as I can throughout the day. Cis people: Repost trans authors' book links. Cis people who want to complain about being excluded: gtfo
Red Darkling is a hot mess. Her ship's crap, her cat's glitchy, and her sleazy ex keeps waving his abs around. But she's got cheap beer and her independence, so life's good. Then things start going a little too well, and she's determined to put a stop to it. πŸ“’πŸ“š #booksky #bsnm
My local news feed on FB is entirely brush fires and children getting hit in the face with fireworks. Happy birthday, you piece of shit country!
A local business posted this on Facebook and all I can see is a JRPG battle.
getting caught up on the uk election
@guardian: Sinn FΓ©in on course to have more MPs than any other Northern Ireland party