
I'm not meaning to come at anyone because I get the natural impulse to want to know things, but please stop popping into random people's threads about the past week like "OMG what happened?" Find a friend to ask or, I dunno, be happy that you didn't experience something gross and disheartening?
Especially when you don't even follow the person you're asking and the two of you have never interacted. You just come off as being drama-starved.
This goes for not just this week, too. If something bad happened and you don't know about it and can't find out about it easily, it usually means it doesn't affect you and the people involved are trying to move past it.
I stumbled through hell on my own. It sucked. I don’t know why anyone would want to see that
This is the most perfect Standard Skeet for this kind of situation, and I salute you. You also have my sympathy. I don't need to know what happened to know that it was bad & shouldn't have happened.