
Republicans: ok guys so what we're gonna do is just keep trying the same thing, over and over and over again even if it won't work. Eventually it will. Just keep at it relentlessly. Took us 50 years with Roe but look we did it. Democrats: listen buddy it just doesn't work that way, we can't just
Republicans: we're gonna push for the same bill several times a year every year for decades and scream about it 24/7. Democrats: I guess we can fundraise off how those relentless those assholes are. Too bad we can't do anything about it yet, due to Reasons. Maybe next year?
Republicans: sure yeah the bill failed. We'll just push it again next week. Eventually there will be enough votes Democrats: Jesus no are you nuts we cant do that there's not enough votes. We need to focus on things that we can do, like
Republicans: who gives a fuck if this bill doesn't pass today. We'll just push it again tomorrow Democrats: what if, hear me out, we support the republicans' bill today so they will reach across the aisle and support the bill we are definitely totally maybe going to try tomorrow.
Republicans: congrats, we did it. Took 2,000 tries over 10 years but orphan crushing is now legal. Democrats: we just don't have the votes to ban orphan crushing and anyway the parliamentarian wouldn't allow it even if we did. Next year we'll do it IF we gain a supermajority and the stars align
It isn't politics, it's assymetrical warfare, and one side is all-in for obstructionism, nihilism, and sabotage