
Why do the republicans have a 900 page book of specific actions they plan to take, backed up with 50 years of small local victories making them possible, and the democrats don't? Where is the democrats' version of that
Republicans can point to every single concrete action in project 2025 and say "we tried this in Utah, and Oklahoma. We passed this in Texas after 15 years of attempts. We did this and that, it took us 30 years." They can point to a 50 year track record of proving they've been trying to do it.
Republicans can point to a section that lays out how, specifically, they want to do something. Whether ending no fault divorce or NOAA or national parks or what. Specific plans, built on decades of single-minded dedication to trying to do the same thing over and over again until it passes.
The democrats don't have that. No hefty volume containing a specific set of concrete actions for such as codifying abortion rights, or trans rights, or the regulatory apparatus, etc. There is of course the old standbys of "VOTE" and "enjoy the camps," though
Where is the 20 step plan of specific, concrete actions the dems plan to take to codify abortion rights, with proof they will try it over and over and over and over again until eventually it passes? Or do they think just telling people to enjoy the camps is enough to protect reproductive rights
One party promises to end abortion rights, points to state level victories in doing so, and says "we spent 40 years to do it there, here is a 12 step plan to do it nationally." The other party, doesn't.
One party can go "Want to know why we say we want to dismantle OSHA? Look at what we have already accomplished with the regulatory system. You know we can do it, we have already done it. Ask anyone living in Cancer Alley how well we did."
Cancer Alley -
This is one of those not broken but working as intended things. Democrats have three main agenda goals: stop Republicans, stop progressives, and serve their corporate donors. They are the living embodiment of the status quo. You don't need a 900 page book for NOBODY MOVE!!
Don’t forget the fundraising emails!