Tyler James Hill

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Tyler James Hill


Cozy maximalist. Selective perfectionist. Full-time writer. Part-time human. 6'9". The world is built for Hobbits. Pretty fly for a bi guy. He/he/him
i guess i can see both sides of the fireworks debate like on the one hand they’re obnoxious and frighten poor little doggies but on the other a lot of jagoffs have gotten their fingers blown off by them so on balance who’s to say
May the fourth be with nobody. Too noisy.
Ugh, of course I believe in the first amendment, but you're so self-centered we were talking about 𝘮𝘦
I believe in freedom of speech but not in freedom of opinions over my speech stop shitting on my parade thank you
Finding out mid jokey pleasant convo with a moot they've unfollowed you at some point lol
A guy was rude to my friend so I said "sorry you're like this, man" and he replied 3 times and on the 4th demanded if "like this" meant that he was a white cishet. Apparently being a dick is SO INTERTWINED with being a cishet white guy he thought I was attacking Who He Is and not What He's Like.
There's a snake in my boots!
there's a fucking bug in my toaster???
These are my emotional support hot dogs
🎵 plus all my clothes would fit🎶
POV: Kamala just stole your girlfriend.
When I don't want to do a holiday I always want to watch horror movies in a marathon fashion as a substitute, which is why I hate the Fourth of July, because the stupid splodey bits of annoying jingoism impacts horror movies pretty severely
Ugh 70 feels very different when it's about to be 80 versus when it's about to be 60
Happy goddamn Fourth of friggin July here's a sketch of a dumbass firework flippin exploding ok
I had a thought about a post I was gonna write as I was falling asleep and I thought about it all through my dreams and when half awake, all night and thought of it upon waking, so it had been on my mind for like seven hours. Anyway it's garbage, total waste of time.
Ugh summer sucks. Everything is hot and I don't like it hot and it's sticky and now there's the explosion day, I hate explosion day. I want it to be fall. It's about to be smoke session. Fuck Jingo July. Fuck the Blue Angels. Fuck fireworks. Fuck the heat. Fuck summer. Fuck leaf blowers. Fuck this.
[Eats pizza, wine, later some cocktails, late night ice cream] Me the next day at 29: I think I'll go for a hike! Me the next day at 39:
neil gaiman doing the most patriotic thing today. denying sexual assault allegations
the whole ‘actually, killing the villain makes us just as bad as him’ trope had done incomprehensible damage to society and i’m not kidding
sign me the fuck up
Hell yes. Get in, Millennials. We are making a death pact never to become Boomers.
oh no i feel myself going conservative
Hell yes. Get in, Millennials. We are making a death pact never to become Boomers.
As a millennial, I'd rather die being ripped to pieces by rabid dogs while still conscious than become like those assholes. You've got my consent for this particular overwatch.
If this happens, fellow millennials, if the boomers die and I find out you've inherited and gotten all...boomery, I'm becoming a serial killer and coming for you. There's nothing I can do about the boomers but I'd kill millennials while they still have souls rather than let them turn
Just don't rob banks on Bisexual Visibility Day. They can see you then.
The days have gone down in The West
I can't believe you would be gay on the fourth of july, a holiday where we celebrate individuality, independence, freedom, liberty and being who we were always destined to be
Some random motherfucker: "Just want to say, wearing those shoes at the 4th of July game is pretty disrespectful." Love living in Texas.
"enjoy the camps" starter pack.