
2004: Every Republican is a rapist, every Democrat a whore. 2024: Steve Bannon, architect of the provocative RAPE Plan for Reorganization, is the first domino to fall in a crushing monolithic tyranny. That's $5/month, $50/year. Welcome to Stalin 2.0's Five Year Plan.
What's spectacular is that he's thrown his reputation in a port-a-potty for people who will have no use for him if they succeed. The best case for him is to get Martin Heideggered.
it doesn't matter if his "even left-wing rolling stone..." schtick has no validity with regard to former colleagues's memory or historicity, it matters if the people who pay for him to agree with them from an uncensored skeptic's perspective find it believable
He’s only useful in a political context where they need to neutralize centrist opposition. The goal is to make any opposition moot, and if he shepherds that era in, he will be shoved overboard right quick.
He already got to experience it when Musk of all people used him as a tool, tossed him aside when he wasn’t useful anymore, and Taibbi came bank asking for more. I’d say he should know better, but it’s clear he really doesn’t.