
I carry no water for Hunter Biden. He’s had a horrific life but he’s also a quintessential nepo baby who was good friends with Tucker Carlson. But why do we self-immolate like this? Why do we hold ourselves to a moral standard where Hunter Biden is toxic but Steve Bannon and Mike Lindell are meh?
It is truly insane to me that Hunter is involved at all in Biden’s decision-making. Just a terrible look, and he should know better.
By all accounts, Hunter is also as brilliant as he is troubled. I’d take him over Jared, Don and Eric, Billy Carter, Roger Clinton, etc etc etc. But, ultimately, who cares about Hunter Biden? We’re not a cult of personality that’s subservient to our dear leader and his pathetic grifting family.
Can you imagine the Republican response if a Democratic AG prosecuted Mike Lindell for briefly possessing a gun while he was a crack addict? Can your brain even contemplate the level of histrionics that would generate?
Too many people are uncomfortable with the idea of applying their standards to the other side. So the GOP gets away with murder by simple virtue of not caring.