Daniel Roberts

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Daniel Roberts


Once known as IronMikeGallego. I wrote a few things that you might have read (but probably not). Recovering A’s fan. Combat sports wunderkind. Anti-Stratfordian. Mute button enthusiast.

Reposted byAvatar Daniel Roberts
They’re already doing the birtherism again. Lol
If they do put Kamala Harris on the top of the ticket, I am prepared for a level of misogynoir unwitnessed since Rosa Parks sat down on that bus.
Reposted byAvatar Daniel Roberts
If you cannot bring yourself to vote for Biden to keep a fascist out of the highest office in the land even if he's literally being Weekend and Bernie'd by his staff, you *actually* just want to go back to brunch. That simple.
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The President powers the country by running on a huge treadmill and personally makes every decision that effects the economy therefore elect Trump, a guy who thinks the human body has a set, finite amount of vigor www.editorialboard.com/amid-allegat...
Amid allegations of Biden’s decline, no one can point to anything he's done wrong as a consequence of agingwww.editorialboard.com Ageism doesn’t require proof.
1) Polls have generally been favorable to Biden since the debate 2) liberals have been outperforming polls consistently, including the US since Dobbs 3) the media desperately wants a right wing theocracy because their ratings/subscriptions jumped the last time Trump was elected
Breaking news: The first projections after polls closed in France’s legislative election put a leftist alliance in the lead, as the populist, anti-immigration far right falls behind and performs far below expectations.
France election live updates: Left-wing bloc leads in results projectionswww.washingtonpost.com The populist, anti-immigration National Rally party had been hoping to install France’s first far-right government since World War II, with 28-year-old Jordan Bardella as prime minister.
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Wow, it's weird how the media narrative of a far right populist wave keeps crashing against reality in every country that actually requires them to win a majority of votes to take power
The 2nd leading pollster projects a similar result—if anything a higher range for the Left coalition. This wld be a much stronger result than expected for the Macron bloc. If confirmed, key takeaway: Left & Macronist voters transferred onto each other much more than expected. Clear anti-RN front.
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I mean, people think this is going to suddenly stop if Biden is somehow magically replaced with a younger candidate? A new media narrative drumbeat will emerge and the fractured democratic base will be even more panicked and divided. You gotta dance with who brung you, to use an old saying.
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Pundits are completely useless. They’re freaking out right now because people outside their circle jerk are not falling in line. I want Biden to win because he isn’t Trump, but I also want to see every one of these self-important, useless, consistently wrong assholes eat shit. No offense.
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This was a speech during which he did not have to answer any questions, he supposedly knew where he was going to be several days ahead of time, and this is what he came up with
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If you paid attention to Trump's side of the debate, he had the same underlying problem Biden did, where over and over he would start a sentence and realize he couldn't say or remember the words that would come next, but where Biden stalled out, Trump just switched to blurting something unrelated
Donald Trump has good days and bad days but increasingly only bad days. He's lost it - he can't focus and his brains are leaking out his ears, but the press is very impressed with him because HE CAN STILL SHOUT
Reposted byAvatar Daniel Roberts
Donald Trump has good days and bad days but increasingly only bad days. He's lost it - he can't focus and his brains are leaking out his ears, but the press is very impressed with him because HE CAN STILL SHOUT
"RETRUTH IF YOU WANT TELEVISED MILITARY TRIBUNALS" is, to me, a deranged and instantly disqualifying thing for a presidential candidate to say, but on the other hand joe biden looks and sounds very old
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Reposted byAvatar Daniel Roberts
“3 in 10” means 7 in 10 either are fine with him staying or don’t care either way. That’s the majority. Always report majorities. This is a democracy. Majority rules.
Biden trails Trump by just 2 points across key states, a Bloomberg News/Morning Consult shows, even as three in 10 Democrats say he should leave the race trib.al/GlWZVox
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I guess Bidens age doesn't matter that much to me cause I don't think US Presidents do nearly as much as the myth likes to tell. Reagan spent the back end of his run with Alzheimers, last guy played golf & shitposted for 4 years, idc if Bidens an ent who speaks once a yr, taking it over Project 2025
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It's amazing how confidently the media asserted that Biden's post debate polling was disastrous (including Stephanopoulos having an extended on air argument with Biden about it during yesterday's interview!) with basically zero evidence
The more people see Trump and remember what the Trump years were like, the lower he will poll. I absolutely do not think Biden can win the election. But I also think that Trump is still very likely to lose it. Remember, the choice isn’t Biden or a better Dem, it’s Biden or the worst possible option
Despite the debate performance, Biden continues to gain ground in swing states as we get closer to the election, which is exactly what you’d expect to happen
Pundits are completely useless. They’re freaking out right now because people outside their circle jerk are not falling in line. I want Biden to win because he isn’t Trump, but I also want to see every one of these self-important, useless, consistently wrong assholes eat shit. No offense.
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Watching the entire "should Biden step down" discussion play out completely among donors and insiders is an incredibly bleak illustration of how absent the working class base of the Democratic Party is from its power center. We can fix that. www.hamiltonnolan.com/p/the-hole-a...
The Hole at the Heart of the Democratic Partywww.hamiltonnolan.com Labor needs to fill the vacuum. Or else.
If I’m Joe Biden’s campaign manager, I book him on Sean Hannity and no matter what Sean asks, he would just reply “person, man, woman, camera, TV” and drop the mic and leave. Boom. Competence proven conclusively. Issue closed. Moving on to the 10,000 insane things Trump said now…
There is a 100% chance Joe Biden will win the election.
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Joe Biden refusing to take advice from people who have been wrong about everything for decades could be seen as an indication his brain is still working
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TRUMP: I am going to drop daisy-cutter bombs on Seattle just cuz BIDEN: I'll have the Bob Salad — ha, COBB Salad, whoops. NYT: Biden's Gaffe Sends Shockwaves Through Democratic Party; Trump Pledges Infrastructure Changes to Northwest
what are we doing here? he accidentally said million instead of billion and then immediately knew it and corrected himself. he didn’t “flub a line” and then “make an effort to correct himself,” he did the speaking equivalent of a typo that you know you’ve made and instantly correct
The inside out characters in my head
the inside out characters in my head
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what are we doing here? he accidentally said million instead of billion and then immediately knew it and corrected himself. he didn’t “flub a line” and then “make an effort to correct himself,” he did the speaking equivalent of a typo that you know you’ve made and instantly correct
Reposted byAvatar Daniel Roberts
"Politics would be interesting again" is such a telling phrase, a sign that you're so insulated by money and power that it's all just entertainment for you.
Wild to watch horserace journalists suggest the most politically suicidal shit and pretend it's savvy. www.theatlantic.com/politics/arc...
Yes, but Hillary coughed and Biden sometimes looks his age, so six of one…
Looks like something useful is happening on the Nazi site - this court document about Donald Trump’s involvement in the Epstein case is going viral This is a disgusting read
Reposted byAvatar Daniel Roberts
Looks like something useful is happening on the Nazi site - this court document about Donald Trump’s involvement in the Epstein case is going viral This is a disgusting read
Reposted byAvatar Daniel Roberts
The discourse around biden needing more sleep is fully insane. Does no one remember "Executive Time," the thing Trump spent the majority(!) of his schedule on where he would just watch TV and tweet? Dude was categorically unable to fulfill any of the demands of the office and the press barely cared
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Just like none of the bold investigators backfilling Joe Biden's feeble debate performance with punchy anonymous quotes have ever figured out why Trump was rushed to Walter Reed, claimed he wanted a spur-of-the-moment weekend checkup, and a year later declared that he had NOT had a series of strokes
"Executive Time" fell out of the coverage of Donald Trump in the most incredible way. Nobody writing about his quest to become president again ever mentions the fact that he hated the job when he had it and he couldn't and wouldn't really do it!