
They only want the natural things," said Downie. "But I tell them all the time, sitting in traffic here in the tri-state area, the level of pollutants in the air on a daily, weekly and monthly basis is significantly more toxic than any chemical they're going to rub into their skin with sunblock."
As sunscreen misinformation spreads online, dermatologists face real-life impact of online The anti-sunscreen movement is spreading misinformation online, and some younger adults are questioning sun safety.
Wait til they end up with stage 3 melanoma
once it spreads to the lymph nodes they'll be toast.
no natural cure in the world will save them then. Even chemo may not do it once it has spread to the rest of the body.
Actually the antibody treatment that Carter had has a complete response in some patients even end stage.
There are many new treatments in the pipeline that are extremely promising. They are not usually available to the average citizen unless you consent to experimental treatments. But if you are at end stage you may be willing to try it.
Skin cancer is no joke. I found small strange black specks near my hair line. Went to a dermatologist and it was basal cell carcinoma. Had to have MOHS surgery to remove it. I also had a squamous cell lesion removed from the back of my calf. People need to be aware of the dangers of sun exposure.
Also I am an olive skinned Mexican/Italian. It can happen simply from being in the sun too much. Anyone growing up in the 50's and 60's in sunny climates is at risk.
I grew up in the northeast slathering baby oil all over my skin before baking in the sun all day. I've had to have several spots removed.
Lots of baby boomers did that in California. I once saw a former beach bunny from high school at a gym about 30 years ago. She looked 20 years older than me. The long term effects of the sun is not pretty on unprotected skin.
I don’t even remember sunscreen being a thing when I was growing up. Suntan lotion, yes, but not sunscreen. I remember my 2 older sisters lying on lawn chairs for hours on end using reflectors to get a nice, “healthy” tan. And myself all day at the beach without any protection from the sun.
ugh. my mom would put on baby oil and bake herself in the backyard. unbearable!
Looking back, it was crazy. But at the time, it was considered normal.
We did that all the time. We were idiots.
We just lost a life-long friend to skin cancer. He was diagnosed last August and passed in December. He was otherwise healthy. You are correct. It is nothing to play around with.
Homer has had several removed that were cancerous; he smears sun screen on now or I get upset🤭😂
I’ve heard that sometimes skin cancers are first noticed by hair stylists.
Would not be surprised . Lots of spots hidden in the hair and hair line