Adorable Spite

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Adorable Spite

#Veteran, Atheist, Wife, mother, grandmother... dog lover... Amnesia for over 50 years... #Survivor of rape & attempted murder… Writing a book… Vets welcomed… Copyright protected - blog coming soon
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If they’re comfortable killing other people, they will eventually be comfortable killing you. You can learn that lesson the easy way or the hard way.
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I have so many tee shirts Jules ! 😳🤷‍♂️
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The future rewards those who press on. I don’t have time to feel sorry for myself. I don’t have time to complain. I’m going to press on. Barack Obama, President of the United States from 2009 to 2017
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Remember when the MAGA cult was screaming for the release of the Epstein files and now that they’re out with Trump’s name all over them, it’s all crickets and tumbleweeds from the party of law & order and family values? Good times, good times.
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What foolish campaign promises. Bad divisive ideas, cruelty & fear-mongering. Nothing that helps America.
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Helen Kirsten Miller: "In case you haven’t heard, the right wing Project 2025 types are coming for IVF, too. Until recently, I couldn’t figure that out. Don’t they want women to have more babies? Then a friend in healthcare explained it. It’s not about the babies..."
"It’s about controlling WHEN women have them. They see women postponing families to focus on career, knowing IVF will be an option. The right doesn’t want you to have that choice, either. It’s NEVER about the babies. It’s always about controlling women." 2/2
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Here’s a very important question posed by Pres. Biden in his interview with George Stephanopoulos. For all those who say Biden should step down, what is your answer to this question?
I give up… Broke foot, eating what ever I want & still lost weight; I hit 139 this morning… All these yrs never understood this hernia thing…going on 70 & I have my own built in diet restricter with the stomach up in the diaphragm…Last time I got down to 115, kind of freaked docs out, no bikinis 👙 …
I see a Russian born & bred in USA to do exactly what he’s doing… Putin really does think Americans are total dumb ass’s… They sent us this moron…
This is like the son of Satan recruiting you to join them in hell.
I see Rufus hasn’t updated on his wife… Anyone DM him an know how she’s doing???
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Medien … und deren Interessen? Faschismus muss die Dummen zu Beginn begeistern. Wer informiert die Dummen? #Why? noTrump noAFD🖖
Ban books but don’t ban brain washing!? Nazis taught people nothing, except how to murder… Man’s religion is doing the same…
Duct tape does come in a large variety of colors 🙄😳🤭😂😂
tell me without telling me that you’re behind on your child support payments
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If you think Biden’s one debate performance was bad, wait until you find out about Trump’s entire life.
Manifesto’s come & go… Internet changed our way of communicating… Knowledge is our superpower… Roe took the wind out of the sails for Maga… They are waging a propaganda war against you… Life is about one thing… CHOICE… the right & freedom to chose how to live YOUR LIFE… Maga wants you dead…
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And this is Shaggy Britches I love all the details visible in this head tilt, the tiny black eyelash looking hairs, the crevices in his beak, & the jagged ridges up its sides, the leathered skin above the eye, he’s just a beautiful brat 📸🪶
This is one of Shaggy’s brothers; he’s gotten so plump 😂 📸🪶
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The way in which the press has covered Hunter Biden vs the way in which they’ve covered Jared Kushner receiving a couple billion in investment from the Saudis and his relationship with MBS very much argues in favor of malice on the part of the mainstream media.
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Believe it or not, I haven’t yet learned how to create gifs or memes. However, I’m very good at stealing them. And, if course, I give credit to those who originally posted it. So I have a few to share. Please repost if you like them. This one thanks to @TeelaResists .
Okay when I can’t think of a smart ass remark, I need a bowl🤨😊🙄🤭😂😂😂