
Here's hoping this Fourth of July is the threshold we all need it to be.
I've been writing postcards here They send you postcards for free, but you'll need to buy the stamps. I've also done postcards through Field Team 6: With Field Team 6 you'll need to buy the postcards and stamps. PAID FOR BY PROGRESSIVE TURNOUT PROJECT (WWW.TURNOUTPAC.ORG) AND NOT AUTHORIZED BY ANY CANDIDATE OR CANDIDATE'S COMMITTEE
I ordered a bundle, thank you! For other people considering it: stamps for 20 postcards will cost you $10.60. Not bad at all.
My greatest source of hope right is hearing that. I never got involved beyond voting before this year, and i've heard from so many others saying the same thing. Happy 4th!
May I add a word? "Fervently." Here's "fervently hoping"... ... and/or "all fervently need. Either one will do; both are appropriate. Necessity IS the mother of invention.