
This is a big reason there will never be a better chance to flip both statehouses in Arizona. We're almost 75% of the way to our 2024 goal of picking up those four key seats.
Oh god, I have to knock doors in Glendale again I hate Donald Trump with the fire of 10000 suns
I hate Glendale also but had the best canvassing exp of 2016 there. I'm holding my umbrella, on outside steps in the sun, 97F, 3rd fl apartment, asking a lovely young femme person whose govt ID & voter reg says 'Steven Lastname' if she wants someone to go w/her to the polls. Script: This is your /1
/2 voting location. If you're not comfortable going there, we can send a volunteer to walk in with you. I'm sweating, in my cargo shorts, 2nd deg sunburn, my feet are visibly sore. She say, not unkindly: Sweetie, I have never in all my queer life been as uncomfortable as you look right now. Fair.
Fabulous story. And thanks for your service!!