Kristy Koth

Kristy Koth

US expat in DE, Publisher of bilingual kids’ books, PhD in French Lit Northwestern, mom to 2 sons (one 🏳️‍⚧️) and a borrowed son (Ukrainian refugee), happily married for 30 yrs, pretty sure I’m the luckiest person alive.
Reposted by Kristy Koth
some ambitious young creative should make a series of Schoolhouse Rock-style animated info clips based on Project 2025
Reposted by Kristy Koth
Frustrating to see calls for Biden to step down being reframed as “it’s just the media class.” Are pundits and news execs seizing on this moment to get clicks and flex their idea of power? Yes. But they’re also seizing on it because a lot of different kinds of folks think Biden should retire.
Reposted by Kristy Koth
Whether Biden drops out or continues, I expect a primary target of foreign info operations this year to be the legitimacy of the Democratic candidate and the legimitacy of the courts in relation to the the GOP candidate. Expect them to target audiences on both sides and exploit organic criticism.
Reposted by Kristy Koth
Nothing is stopping every single Democratic elected official and apparatchik from taking the airwaves every single day to articulately and decisively repeat a set of cogent talking points about Trump (ie 45). Nothing. Dem PACs could be slamming him with ads now. Stop whining and do that.
Reposted by Kristy Koth
"If the media would just stop--" The media will not stop. Nor will his opponents, nor will the doubts of the 72% of voters who express them in polls, nor will the aging process. Some of it is unfair, some is not, but it's all real. And anyone who supported him in 2020 knew this crisis might come.
Reposted by Kristy Koth
I think Biden and his team need to start asking themselves what four months of every single public appearance being treated as a competency test is going to feel like, and how that ends. Because I don't see it stopping--there's no magic moment on the horizon that simply puts the whole thing to rest.
Reposted by Kristy Koth
The tendency on the political “left” to confuse naming problems with creating them is exceptionally aggravating
Reposted by Kristy Koth
Grateful to everyone who shared this and any other practical call to action today. Hugely moved by all the folks who said they've signed up for postcards or called their reps and totally agree with folks who suggested helping local mutual aid groups. Terrible times. But we're gonna help each other.
Reposted by Kristy Koth
This is a marvelously succinct articulation of the stakes of the 2024 election. It's by and it was how he summed up the implications of the most recent SCOTUS decisions. The theater criticism about which candidate performed better on Thursday obscures these massive stakes.
Reposted by Kristy Koth
South Carolina has been fighting for accessible abortion long before the Dobbs decision, and we’re still here fighting now. The need keeps increasing while the resources decrease, but we are scrappy and will continue to find ways to get South Carolinians (+ all Southerners) the care they deserve.
Donate to Palmetto State Abortion Fund | Palmetto State Abortion Fund (Powered by Donorbox) Right now, abortion is only legal in South Carolina through 6 weeks of pregnancy, before most people even know they are pregnant.How Much Does an Abortion Cost?A medication abortion in South Carolina ...
Reposted by Kristy Koth
Soaring global temperatures have accelerated the life cycles and expanded the ranges of the mosquitoes that carry dengue, helping spread the virus to roughly one in every 800 people on the planet in the past six months alone.
Dengue fever is surging worldwide. A hotter planet will make it Climate change helped fuel an explosion of dengue cases in the Americas, including Puerto Rico, as mosquitoes multiply in warmer, wetter weather.
Reposted by Kristy Koth
it feels like the whiteness of big political media spaces right now is having a big effect on how people are thinking about the debate. eg I have seen relatively little discussion of trump's "black jobs" comment, which immediately exploded on black twitter
Reposted by Kristy Koth
Nobody should be surprised AIPAC went all in, nobody should deny that Bowman did not do the best at shoring up his own political security over the last two years, and nobody should deny Bowman took a brave step by not remaining silent about Palestine. All of it is true. We continue onward anyway.
Reposted by Kristy Koth
We are working toward creating the world's first liquid trillionaire, which spellcheck doesn't even see as a real word.. and shouldn't be a real thing. Taxes on corporations should make it hard to create this kinda power and support the underlying need for their greed to support a viable UBI.
Reposted by Kristy Koth
We included this fact in our WH report assessing the energy and climate implications of crypto in the US:
I learned at an engineering conference recently that one crypto mine in TX, 100s of MW, makes more money off ERCOT demand response markets than it does off crypto repeat: TX ratepayers pay them more to sometimes stop mining than they make by actual mining just bananas misuse of power markets 🔌💡
FACT SHEET: Climate and Energy Implications of Crypto-Assets in the United States | OSTP | The White Climate change is one of the most pressing problems confronting our nation and our world, and President Biden has taken bold steps to address it with legislation and policy. Among the President’s comm...
Reposted by Kristy Koth
Crypto-mining accounts for 2% of all U.S. electricity usage. (Bitcoin alone consumes the same amount of energy as the entire state of Utah.)
Crypto Mining Consumes a Mind-Boggling 2% of U.S. Bitcoin alone consumes roughly the same amount of energy as Utah.
Reposted by Kristy Koth
In honor of Noam Chomsky, a thread about his favorite book by Mark Twain, “Weapon of Satire,” a posthumous collection assembled by Jim Zwick & published in 1992. 1/11
Honestly, this is almost the most Republican thing ever: “I will make life much harder on a bunch of Americans in a way that will not benefit any of you in the slightest.”
Reposted by Kristy Koth
Being trans in America is cool because it’s like do you want to live somewhere rent is $6,000 a month or do you want to live somewhere it’s legal to hunt you for sport
Reposted by Kristy Koth
Reposted by Kristy Koth
“171,000 Traveled for Abortions Last Year: 14,000 Texas patients crossed into New Mexico for an abortion last year. 16,000 left Southern states bound for Illinois. 12,000 traveled north from South Carolina and Georgia to North Carolina.”
Reposted by Kristy Koth
"Many traveling patients faced multiday trips, lost income and child care costs. Some patients were unable to travel...'We’re having people travel hundreds or thousands of miles for a procedure that typically takes less than 10 minutes and can be done in a doctor’s office setting'”
“171,000 Traveled for Abortions Last Year: 14,000 Texas patients crossed into New Mexico for an abortion last year. 16,000 left Southern states bound for Illinois. 12,000 traveled north from South Carolina and Georgia to North Carolina.”
Reposted by Kristy Koth
Supreme Court Issues 'We Want Republicans To Be Competitive This November' Ruling, Uphold 'Pretend a Little While Longer' Precedent
Reposted by Kristy Koth
This will be held up as "SCOTUS isn't political," which overlooks how the case was outrageous and absurd in the first place. Kacsmaryk and the 5th Circuit brazenly violated basic principles of standing taught to every 1L. It shouldn't have made it this far.
First SCOTUS decision of the day is the mifepristone case! SCOTUS unanimous (by J. Kavanaugh) holds that the doctor's group challenging the 2000, 2019, and 2021 FDA approvals lack standing.
Reposted by Kristy Koth
Larry Summers said it would take an entire year of 10 percent unemployment to whip inflation. Jason Furman said it would take 15 percent!!
Remember all those 2022 predictions that getting inflation down would require years of very high unemployment? Here’s where we are now (using the Cleveland Fed nowcast for May)
Reposted by Kristy Koth
NYT has an extensive write up of what is happening in Sudan, which I am providing a gift link for and which I hope you will read. I think the primary reason news stories re: Sudan are rare is that — as the piece notes — it’s hard for journalists to get in. BUT
A War on the Nile Pushes Sudan Toward the A year of fighting has turned the once proud capital, Khartoum, into a charred battleground. Millions have fled. Now a famine threatens in one of Africa’s biggest countries.
Reposted by Kristy Koth
A little #UBI has more impact than so many complicated, expensive service initiatives. The personal stories are heartwarming, hopeful: "...the extra income from the GRO Fund allowed her to pay for child care, which allowed her to keep the job; she later got promoted and now earns $55,000 a year."
In Georgia, a Basic Income Program’s Success With Black Women Adds to Growing National Participants who received an average of $850 per month used it for paying bills, reducing debt and improving credit.
Reposted by Kristy Koth
Rich McCormick just now saying health care should be between a patient and doctor--and not the government--is, um, rich. Tell that to women, doc.
Reposted by Kristy Koth
Every time I read articles about extremely wealthy people/companies engaging in unethical behavior to become even more wealthy, I think about this excerpt from the book the psychology of money. The endless quest for more is so damaging, especially when pursed by those who already have enough.
Excellent op-ed yesterday from on renewables already being the cheaper option and how the fossil fuel industry is trying to salt that particular bit of earth to stop their rollout. These companies are *absurdly* rich and they're not gonna stop. Gift link:
Opinion | Oil and Gas Companies Are Trying to Rig the Fossil fuel interests are spreading misinformation that renewable energy is harmful, unreliable and worse for consumers.