Gretchen Felker-Martin ๐Ÿ‰

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Gretchen Felker-Martin ๐Ÿ‰

Beyond the grace of God, a wanderer in the outer darkness.

Best-selling author of MANHUNT and CUCKOO, out now from Tor Nightfire, and BLACK FLAME, coming 2025
"We don't want to conquer space at all. We want to expand Earth endlessly. We don't want other worlds; we want a mirror. We seek contact and will never achieve it." Tonight, 7/17, at 7pm EST, the Deadlights Theater presents... SOLARIS
Millicent "Millie" Varger, feral teenager, and I guess someone boring and responsible to balance that out. Jeb Bush.
#HorrorWritersChat Question 3 (and some of y'all are making me scream laugh over here.) Using your works, who would be the ideal running mate for your MC? Don't forget the hashtag!
they're just not used to it, imo. most people won't push through something unfamiliar.
People will be like "I cannot read novels in present tense" and I am scared to ask why that is bad. They are obviously upset about it and I don't want to offend them further
"We don't want to conquer space at all. We want to expand Earth endlessly. We don't want other worlds; we want a mirror. We seek contact and will never achieve it." Tonight, 7/17, at 7pm EST, the Deadlights Theater presents... SOLARIS
River crossing
without downloading new pics, describe your gender in one image
without downloading new pics, describe your gender in one image
If I owe you an email, I am currently doing three jobs and you will need to fire a gun next to my ear to get my attention
If Faye Dunaway had a Lore-type evil twin, she'd be named Mortal Incompletenear
I remember when I was a messy, repressed drunk at age 25. I got rightly kicked out of my house as a result, and did I accept the consequences of my actions? No! I wracked my brain for any spin that would absolve me of wrongdoing. Anyway that's what reading 'Hot Allostatic Load' reminded me of.
THE RENTAL isn't breaking any molds, but it's a nice, mean little thriller about the acquisitive, paranoid, impersonal ugliness of yuppies mirrored by the faceless unaccountability of institutions like AirBnB
Dan Stevens has been making movies like he's stashing cash under his mattress. What does he know.
Enough. I'm turning the car around.
It's hard to convey how dead-on this essay is unless you watch a metric fuckton of television. But if you do, oh baby, reading this is like putting on the glasses from They Live.
In which I convert my longstanding beef with TV's excessive reliance on traumatic backstories into an essay! The first installment of our new Screen Shots column for the LA Review of Books:
The Past Is Never Dead: On TVโ€™s Backstory Problem | Los Angeles Review of Elizabeth Alsop explores the ubiquityโ€”and limitationsโ€”of the โ€œtrauma backstory.โ€...
LARRY : Is that โ€” is that the Shards of Narsil? JEFF : Wow! LARRY: Narsil! That's the uh, the blade that cut the Ring from Sauron's hand. Ah, you know what I bet? Shards are still sharp. JEFF: Still sharp? No. No way. ARAGORN: Is this for my benefit?
Really touched to see people with BPD vibing with Mal in CUCKOO, who also has it, and calling it a good portrayal. It's something that means a lot to me. My partner of twelve years has it, and seeing what they've been put through by medical professionals and culture at large has stuck with me.
Wish I could find the post I made about how I feel allegiance with the dolls because so frequently when people need someone to yell at they choose either a doll or a black woman because thatโ€™s still how I feel and still true
Do not obey in advance.
Begging cis libs to make their transphobic colleagues please shut up. I can't stand living through the federal institutionalization of transphobia with these third-string losers Just Asking Questions and Proposing Reasonable Compromises the whole time.
Next time you see someone quote Audre Lorde's 'master's tools' at you, ask them 2 questions: 1. Can you please define what YOU think the master's tools are currently? 2. What else does she say in that essay?
"trans women are new to oppression" thanks for your input
Trans women in New Jersey prisons say they are routinely isolated for all but one or two hours a day, despite a landmark 2019 reform to reduce solitary confinement in the state.
New Jersey Prisons Isolate Trans Women Even After Reforms to Reduce Solitary The treatment of trans women inside New Jersey prisons highlights the limits of a landmark law the state passed in 2019.
(snapping suspenders) now i may be just a simple country pundit, but it seems to me that if the New York Times sometimes says trans people are good, that means the paper's well-documented role in laundering consent for trans eliminationism isn't real.
working on a sexy horror comic. actually I love traditional inking when my one perfect brush pen behaves. ๐Ÿ•๐Ÿฉโ›“๏ธ
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Watching useless liberal dummies like this jackass just fully abandon any pretense of sympathy for trans people is really nauseating
Cure (1997, dir. Kiyoshi Kurosawa)
I reviewed 'Regent', tonight's subdued and dreamily Gothic episode of HOUSE OF THE DRAGON. Even when it confines itself to setting up chess pieces, this show has the juice.
i'm sorry, the fucking Hillbilly Elegy guy??