Diana j Morgan 🔶🇪🇺FBPE

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Diana j Morgan 🔶🇪🇺FBPE


Hello Jane Halsey from Twitter Refugees

The hatred this government has for migrants and for people with mental illness makes me consider having "depressed migrant" and the date I moved to the UK tattooed on my wrist.
Imagine the shock for our multi-millionaire detached from all reality Prime Minister Rishi Sunak when someone tells him money worries are amongst the most common cause of anxiety
The Tories in the UK really are becoming monstrous parodies of themselves. David Cameron et al worked very hard to market away the Nasty Party image and now a decade later the same mob is making cruelty to the vulnerable its core offering.
If you get a chance to meet a prospective local Tory councillor ask them if they support drowning innocent people? Ask them if they support poor local transport services? Ask them if they have ever helped at a food bank? Ask them how they sleep at night? Ask them to get get stuffed
Ministers are touring UK News shows boasting they’ve found 150 judges to help implement the Governments morally bankrupt, law breaking #RwandaScheme In other news the backlog in Crown court cases is now at a record high of almost 70,000… because we don’t have enough judges youtu.be/5t4cUZFZvMg?...
Hold onto your seats as Government Ministers boast they’ve found 150 judges for Rwanda schemeyoutu.be
This refugees should be welcome here ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
‘Migrants began using small boats to cross the Channel only in 2018. Why? Because all other routes had been closed down. There are no legal paths by which asylum seekers can claim refuge in Britain.‘ www.theguardian.com/commentisfre...
For migrants, ‘deterrence’ doesn’t deter. It’s cruelty, not compassion, Mr Sunak | Kenan Malikwww.theguardian.com Supporters of the Rwanda deportation scheme fail to understand the lessons of Australia
Inviting people for "routine" asylum meetings, then sending them to a camp and, ultimately, Rwanda is absolutely evil. 1930s evil. Fuck the tories and fuck anyone who thinks this is the way we should do things.
BREAKING: The Tories have completely lost their minds and any claim to decency and voted by 320 to 246 to forcibly deport the victims of modern slavery to Rwanda. It is a staggeringly evil thing to have done.
Why are UK news shows not pointing out the #RwandaBill seeks to disaply human rights, puts the UK in breach of its international legal obligations & is a shameless power grab that will put the Government above the law - isn’t that important? youtu.be/gaaTTcJ-2O8?...
The TRUTH about Sunak’s #RwandaBill - a shameless power grab which puts all our rights at riskyoutu.be
(Ex) Conservative James Bagge is going to stand as an Independent against Liz Truss at the election (via Michael Crick). He's the brother of Sir Jeremy Bagge, former leader of the so-called Turnip Taliban group of local Tories who in 2009 tried to overturn Truss's original selection.
Rwanda Bill back this week. Because we could do with our govt wasting more time and money on unworkable, Supreme-Court defying, country-shaming cruelty when everything else is broken and on fire. Grim how Sunak clings to this grotesque plan as his own small lifeboat. It isn’t.
Suella Braverman has complained that large-scale immigration will make the UK unrecognisable. Brexit, corrupt, inept, fascistic Tories like her have certainly made the UK I moved to in 1995 unrecognisable. Meanwhile, this is again Goidness Gracious Me Coopers sketch becoming prophecy...
The Farmers’ protest sums up the shitshow of Brexit. A slow, late protest against our govt for selling us out and risking British farming and our welfare and food security, to pretend that crappy trade deals elsewhere are a win. While grubby little Farage tries to jump on the bandwagon.
Farmers overwhelmingly voted for Brexit. Right now they’re blocking Parliament Square to protest about all the post-Brexit trade deals which they say are ruining their livelihood.
Cost of living still rising, child poverty at record levels, worst drop in living standards of any G7 country, public services collapsing, housing crisis, govt failure everywhere…and you want a round of applause for this…which isn’t even down to you. Call an election or zip it.
Tory London Mayor candidate Susan Hall has liked tweets praising Enoch Powell and others that described Sadiq Khan as a “traitor rat”. Our country needs some TLC and healing time and Susan Hall is definitely not that.
The Rwanda bill is utterly absurd. Even *if* you think immigration is a problem, even *if* they do put people on planes, it's ridiculously costly for a handful of people. It's just red meat for the racists. What a hill for the Tories to die on.
Roger examined the ocean. Then he examined his life. Not once had he ever broken a rule or challenged authority. But now, it was time for this “good boy” to cross the line. Time to go rogue.
When the government is a motley collection of über rightwing gangs and venal dullwits who’ve spent 14yrs whipping up hatred and division, limiting our rights and smashing up the place… defining extremism for everyone else is bound to go down like a sick sandwich. (Letter, Times)